
2024-06-13 14:17:09来源:网络

剑桥英语初级考试(KET)口语题库及参考回答:打招呼和介绍 Greeting and introduction:

考官: How do you do? 考生: How do you do.

考官: How are you, today?

考生: Fine/Great/. Thanks. And what about you?

考官: It is a fine day today, isn't it?

考生: Yes, it is.

No, it isn't.

考官: How is the weather today?

考生: It is a sunny/cloudy/snowy/windy day today.

考官: What day is it today?

考生: Today is Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday /Sunday.

考官: What date is it today?

考生: Today is 1st/2nd/3RD/Fourth…31st, January/February…December.

考官: How did you get here this morning?

考生: I got here by bus.

I got here in my father's/mother's car.

考官: What is your name?

考生: My name is Zhang Yixuan, Zhang is Family/Surname, Yixuan is Given Name.

考官: May I know your name?

考生: Sure, My name is Zhang Yixuan, Zhang is Family/Surname, Yixuan is Given Name.

考官: Can you spell your name, please?

考生: Z-h-a-n-g Zhang, Y-i-x-u-a-n Yixuan.

考官: What is your full name?

考生: My full name is Zhang Yixuan, Zhang is Family/Surname, Yixuan is Given Name.

考官: What is your surname?

考生: My surname is Zhang, Z-h-a-n-g Zhang.

考官: What is your family name?

考生: My family name is Zhang, Z-h-a-n-g Zhang.

考官: Do you have an Englishname?

考生: Yes, My English name is Castor.

考官: What is your Englishname?

考生: My English name is Castor.

考官: When is your birthday?

考生: My birthday is 24th November, 2011. It is Thanksgiving Day in that year.

考官: How old are you?

考生: I am 9 years hold.

考官: When were you born?

考生: I was born on 24th November, 2011. It is Thanksgiving Day in that year.

考官: Where were you born?

考生: I was born in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province.

考官: Were you born in Xuzhou?

考生: No, I was born in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province.

Yes, I was born in Xuzhou.

考官: Were you born in this city?

考生: Yes, I was born in this city.

考官: Are you local people?

考生: Yes, I have been living here for 9 years.

考官: Are you native?

考生: Yes, I have been living here for 9 years.

考官: Where are you from?

考生: I am from Shenyang City, Liaoning Province.It is a big city, also called the republic eldest son.

考官: Where do you come from?

考生: I come from Shenyang City, Liaoning Province.It is a big city, also called the republic eldest son.

考官: Where is your birthplace?

考生: My birthplace is Shenyang City, Liaoning Province.It is a big city, also called the republic eldest son.

考官: Where do you live?

考生: I live in No.37 Beiyixi Road, Tiexi District, Shenyang City.

考官: Do you live in this city?

考生: Yes, I have been living in this city for 9 years.

考官: What school are you studying at?

考生: I am studying at Qigonger Primary School, Jungu Branch.

考官: Which grade are you in?

考生: I am in Grade 3.

考官: Is your home far away from your school?

考生: No, it is only two stops by bus, or 5 minute's driving.

考官: How far is your home from your school?

考生: Around 1.5 Kilometer, two stops by bus, or 5 minute's driving.

考官: How long does it take you to get to school?

考生: It take me 20 minutes by bus.

考官: When do you go to school every day?

考生: I usually go to school at 7 o'clock.

考官: How do you get to school every day?

考生: I usually go to school by bus, sometimes in my father's car.

考官: Which class are you in?

考生: I am in Class 1, Grade 3.

考官: How many students are there in your class?

考生: There are 48 students in my class. 28 boys, 20 girls.

考官: How many boys/girls are there in your class?

考生: There are 28 boys in my class. There are 20 girls in my class.

考官: Do you like your school/class?

考生: Yes, I like my school. There are nice teachers and friendly classmates.

Yes, I like my class. My teacher is nice, and my classmates are friendly.

考官: How do you think of your school/class?

考生: I think my school is satisfying, there are beautiful environment and nice teachers.

I think my class is great. The teacher is nice and the classmates are friendly.

考官: What is your school/class like?

考生: My school is satisfying, there are beautiful environment and nice teachers.

My class is great.The teacher is nice and the classmates are friendly.

考官: What does your school/class look like?

考生: My school looks like great. there are beautiful environment and nice teachers.

My class looks like great. The teacher is nice and the classmates are friendly.

考官: Is there a library at your school?

考生: Yes, there is a library at my school. I sometimes borrow books from there.

考官: Does your school have a Reading Club/English corner?

考生: Yes, my school has a Reading Club. And I am one member of it, I could read a lot of books there.

Yes, my school has an English corner. I sometimes go to there to practice my spoken English with other there.

考官: What do you usually do at English corner?

考生: I usually talk to others to practice my spoken English at English corner.

考官: When does the first lesson start?

考生: The first lesson start at 8 O'clock.

考官: When do you come home from school every day?

考生: I come home from school at 3 O'clock every day.

考官: What do you usually do between classes?

考生: I usually play games with friends between classes.

考官: How many subjects do you have? What are they?

考生: I have 3 main subjects. Chinese, Math and English. Also have 3 minor subjects, Music, Art and PE(physical education).

考官: What subjects do you have?

考生: I have 3 main subjects. Chinese, Math and English. Also have 3 minor subjects, Music, Art and PE(physical education).

考官: What is your favorite subject? Why do you like it best?

考生: My favorite subject is English. It could help me to know the world better.

考官: How do you think of English, easy or difficult?

考生: Honestly speaking, English is easy for me.

Because I have been studying English for 2 years, and I understand most of the key points.

考官: Is English hard or easy for you?

考生: Honestly speaking, English is easy for me. My father could help me when I meet difficulties.

考官: Do you like learning English?

考生: Yes, I like learning English. It could help me to know the outside world better.

考官: What is your English teacher's name?

考生: My English teacher's name is Zhou Linlin. She is a nice teacher.

考官: Why do you like English/Maths/Chinese?

考生: I like English, because it could help me to know the outside world better.

I like Chinese, because there are a lot of stories were in Chinese.

考官: Are you good at English?

考生: Yes, I am good at English. I usually get A in English test.

考官: Do you do well in PE?

考生: Yes, I do well in PE. I am good at basketball.

考官: What subject are you good at?

考生: I am good at English. Because my father could help me to solve the problem during the learning.

考官: Are you tired after lessons a day?

考生: Yes, I am tired after lessons a day. I usually have a rest about 30 minutes when I back to home.

考官: What do you do after school?

考生: I usually go home directly after school, and do my homework.

考官: Do you read English every day?

考生: No, I read English every two days.

考官: Do you like sports?

考生: Yes, I like sports. Especially basketball.

考官: What kind of sport do you like best? Why? How often do you do it?

考生: I like basket best. I play it every Tuesday and Saturday.

本文关键字: KET口语题库





