
2024-05-24 11:03:14来源:网络


afraid adj frightened orworried

angry adj feeling that you want to shout at someone because they have done something bad

area n apart ofacity ora country

arm n the long part at each side of the human body, ending ina hand

back n the part of your body from your shoulders to your bottom

believe v to think that something is true

bored adj feeling tired and unhappy because something is not interesting

broken adj damaged,missing parts,ornot functioning

brush n object used forcleaning/tidying,e.g.the floor hair,teeth

brush your teeth v clean your teeth with a brush

cut v hurt yourself with something sharp like glass or metal

deep adj high,often used to describe wateror something underground

ear n one of the two things on your head that you hear with

eye n one of the two organs in your face that you see with

face n the front part of the head where the eyes,nose and mouth are

fail v to not pass a test orexam

feel well v feel good and healthy

fit adj healthy and strong,usually from doing exercise

foot n one of the two fat parts on the ends ofyourlegs that you stand on

frightening adj making you feel scared,afraid

glad adj happy about something

glasses n something you wear to help you see better

great adj very good

grow v get bigger,develop,become more adult

hand n the part of your body on the end of your arm that has fngers

hair n the thin thread-like parts that grow on the head and other body parts

happy adj pleased and in a good mood,especialy because something good has happened

have a temperature v to be hotter than usual because you are il

headache n illness when you feel constant pain in your head

health n the condition of your body

high adv far above the ground

hold v to have in yourhand

hot adj having a high temperature,opposite of cold

hungry adj wanting orneeding food

hurt v to give pain

ill adj not feeling well,orhaving an illness or disease

leg n one of the long parts of the body that is used for walking

lie down v put your bodyin a horizontal position,usually when you are tired orgo to bed

(what's the)matter(?):what is the problem(?);what is wrong(?)

medicine n something you eat or drink to cure an illness

miss v to feel sad because you are not with someone

mouth n the part of the face that is used for eating and speaking

neck n the part of the body between your head and your shoulders

nose n the part of your face that you breathe through and smell with

pain n an unpleasant feeling caused by an injury or ilness

piece n a part of something bigger

plaster n a piece of fabric orelastic to treat a cut

prize n something you get for winning a competition ora game

scared adj feeling fear;frightened;afraid

sick adj ill

side n the outside part of something-usually not the top or bottom

sorry adj used to apologise when you have done something wrong

stomach n the part of your body where food is digested

strange adj unusual,different,unknown

sweets n food often with lots of sugar that are popular especially with children

thirsty adj wanting orneeding adrink

tired adj feeling that you want to rest or sleep

tooth(teeth pl) n one of the hard white things in your mouth that you use for biting

toothache n pain in the teeth

toothbrush n something you use to clean yourteeth

trainer n person who helps you get better at something, e.g.sports.

unhappy adj sad

本文关键字: KET校园版Unit11单词表





