
2024-05-23 18:12:45来源:网络


actor n someone who performs in plays and fims

artist n someone who makes art,especially paintings and drawings

cartoon n a flm made using characters that are drawn and not real

circus n a showin which a group of people and animals perform in a large tent

clown n atype of actor who has special clothes and a painted face and makes people laugh,usuallyin a circus

concert n a performance of music and singing

dance n a set of movements that you do to music

dancer n someone who dances,often as a job

disco n a place where people dance to pop music

drummer n someone who plays the drums,often as a job

exhibition n a collection of things such as paintings that are shown to the public

flm n astory shown in moving pictures at a cinema oron the television

journalist n someone whose job is to write articles for newspapers,magazines,television,etc.

music programme n a show about music on television or radio

musician n someone who plays a musicalinstrument,often asajob

painter n someone who paints pictures,often as a job

photographer n someone whose job is to take photographs

pity n ifyou say that something is'a pity;you are sad that it can't happen,orthat it wasn't good

party n an event where people meet to have fun by dancing,playing games,eating and drinking

play n a story that is written for actors to perform,usually in a theatre

quiz show n a show on television or radio in which people play a game where they must answer questions

singer n someone who sings,often as a job

sports programme n a show about sport on television or radio

the news n a programme about important events that have just happened

the weather n a programme about the temperature or

conditions outside,for example,if it is hot,cold,sunny,etc.

timetable n a list of the days and times when students have lessons

writer n someone whose job is writing books,stories,articles,etc.

本文关键字: KET校园版Unit9单词表





