
2024-05-23 17:55:55来源:网络


art n the making of paintings,drawings,etc.

available adj something that you can get or use

belong to v is the property of;is owned by

cap n atypeofhat,forexample,baseballcap

carbon dioxide n a gas produced by people and industry

draw n to make pictures,usualy with a pen or pencil

drum n a round,hollow,musicalinstrument that you hit with your hands or with sticks

English n the language that is spoken in the UK,the Us, and in many other countries

geography n the study of allthe countries of the world,and of the surface of the Earth such as the mountains and seas

give back v to return something to someone

guitar n a musicalinstrument with strings that you play by pulling the strings with your fingers or a piece of plastic

history n the study of events in the past

instrument n an object which is used for playing music

keyboard n an electric piano

learn v to get knowledge ora new skil

lend v give something to somebody temporaily

lose v to not be able to find something

maths n the study ofnumbers and shapes

miss a class v tonot go toa class

music n the studyof music(=sound that is made by playing instruments or singing)

pass v to succeed at an exam

piano n a big wooden musical instrument with black and white bars that make sounds when you press them

playground n a place foryoung children to play

put back v return something to where it lives

return v go backorput back(see above)

sale n noun from sell;when a shophas a special promotion and sells things cheaper

science n the study of the structure ofnatural things and the way that they behave

send v get something from one place to another,such as by post oremail

spend time v to use time doing something or being


study v to learn about a subject,usually at school or university

take an exam v to do an exam

take your time v do slowly;not rush /hurry

teach v to showor explain to someone how to do something

trip n a short journey orholiday

use v to do something with something fora particular purpose

violin n a wooden musicalinstrument that you hold against yourneck and play by moving a stickacross strings

worry v feel nervous /concerned /anxious about something

本文关键字: KET校园版Unit7单词表





