
2024-05-23 17:29:27来源:网络


add v to put something together with something else

arrive v to come to a place

bake v to cook something in an oven using dry heat

barbecue n when food,especially meat,is cooked outside

bathroom n the room where people wash,shower, bathe or go to the toilet

bed n a piece of furniture that you sleepon

bedroom n the room where people sleep

boil v to cook something in water

bookshelf n aplace,often on the wall,to keep books

borrow v use something fora time and return it later

bowl n a round,deep plate used for soup etc.

bread n a food made by mixing and baking four and water

break v to separate into two or more pieces

bring v to take with you to another place

burger n meat which is pressed into a flat round shape and fried

classroom n the place at school where you have lessons

chair n a seat,often with fourlegs

chat v to talk in a friendly way

cheese n a yellow or white solid food made from milk

chef n a person whose job is to cook

chicken n meat froma bird that is kept on a farm and lays eggs

cooker n a piece of equipment used to cook food

cupboard n a piece of furniture with a door on the front and shelves inside,used for keeping things

customer n a person who buys something

cut v to use a knife to divide something into pieces

desk n a table that you sit at to write or work

egg n an oval object made by afemale chicken,that you eat as food

enter v to go into a place

fast food n hot food which can be served very quickly, usually eaten without knives and forks

fish n an animal thatlives onlyin water,swims,and can be eaten as food

forest n a large area of trees that are growing close together

fridge n a large cupboard that uses electricity to keep food cold

grow v to have and take care of plants

health n the condition of your body

include v to make someone or something partof something else

jam n a sweet sauce made with fruit and sugar

join v to go with other people,or to become a member of a group,club orteam

juice n the liquid that comes from fruit orvegetables

keep v always put something in a particular place

kitchen n the room in a house where people cook and wash

lamp n an object that makes light

living room n the room in a house where people sit and relax

look after v to take care of something or someone

meat n the soft parts of animals,used as food

milk n a white liquid that comes from cows

mirror n a piece of special glass in which you can see yourself

mix v to combine two or more things together,e.g.when cooking

omelette n a food made with eggs which have been mixed with other foods and fried

onion n a round vegetable with layers,that has a strong taste and smell

potato (potatoes) n a round,white vegetable that grows in the ground

repair v to mend orfix something so that it is not broken

return v to give or put something back,or to go back

rice n small grains from a plant grown in wet ground,that

are cooked in water and eaten

roast v to cook something in an oven or over a fire,usually with fat or oil

salad n a cold mixture of leaves and vegetables that haven't been cooked

serve v to give food to someone

shelf (shelves) n a board used to put things on,often fixed to a wall

shower n a piece of bathroom equipment that you stand under to wash your whole body

sofa n a large,comfortable seat formore than one person

soup n a hot,liquid food,made from vegetables,meat or fish

stairs n steps which go from one foor to anotherin a building

take time v to need a particular amount of time to do or finish something

toilet n a bowl thatyou sit on orstand nearand get rid of waste from your body

vegetables n plants that you eat, such as potatoes and onions

wash up v to clean the plates,etc.that have been used for cooking and eating

本文关键字: KET校园版Unit3单词表





