
2024-05-23 17:51:40来源:网络


agree v to have the same opinion as someone else

boat n a vehicle for travelling on water

bus n a large vehicle that carries passengers by road,usually along a fxed route

bridge n a structure built over a road,river,etc,so that people can cross

busy adj having alotto do

cheap adj not expensive

check v to make sure that something is correct

coach n a comfortable bus that takes groups of people on long journeys

crossing n a place where people can go across a road safely

crowded adj fullof people

cycle v travel by bicycle

dangerous adj something or someone which could hurt you

delay n when you have to wait a long time for something

to happen,usually because of a problem

describe v to say what something is like or looks like

drive v to make a car,bus or train move,and control what it does

expensive adj something which costs a lot of money

explain v to make something easy to understand

far adj a long distance away

fight n ajourneyin an aircraft

fy v to travel through the air in an aircraft

heavy adj weighing a lot; not light

helicopter n a vehicle that fies using long thin parts on top of it that turn round and round very fast

instructions n information that tells you how to do or use something

invite v to ask someone to go somewhere or do something with you

invent v create something new that didn't exist before

invention n something that was invented (see above)

lorry n a large road vehicle forcarrying things from place to place

motorbike n a vehicle with two wheels and an engine

noisy adj something that makes a lot of noise

park n a large area of grass,often in a town,where people can walk and enjoy themselves

passenger n someone who travels in a vehicle but doesn't drive

plane n a vehicle that flies and has an engine and wings

pull v to get hold of something and move it nearer to you

quiet adj something which doesn't make a lot of noise

ride v to travelby sitting on a horse,bicycle ormotorcycle and controlling it

roundabout n a circular place where roads meet and where cars drive around until they arrive at the road that they want to turn into

safe adj not dangerous (see dangerous)

sail v to travelin a boat ora ship

sell v to give something to someone in return for money

ship n a large boat that carries people or things by sea

spaceship n a vehicle fortravelling in space

supermarket n a large shop that sells food,drink,things forthe home,etc.

taxi n a car with a driver who you pay to take you somewhere

traffc lights n sets of red,yellow and green lights that are used to start and stop traffic

train n a long vehicle which travels along metal tracks and carries people orgoods

tram n an electric vehicle for carying passengers,mostly in cities,which moves along metal lines in the road

transport n a way of moving from one place to another

underground n a system of trains that is built under a city

walk v to move forward by putting one foot in front of the other

weigh v to have a weight of something,for example,50 kg

wheel n a round object which allows a car bicycle, move

wood n material used for construction that comes from trees

本文关键字: KET校园版Unit6单词表





