
2024-05-23 18:01:26来源:网络


airport n a place where people go to get on aeroplanes

amazing adj very good

boring adj not interesting orexciting

bored adj tired and unhappy because something is not interesting or because you are doing nothing

brilliant adj very good

build a fire v to make a fire by collecting wood

campsite n an area where people stay in tents for a holiday

climb v to use yourlegs,orlegs and hands,to move to the top of something

excellent adj very good,orof a very high quality

exciting adj making you feel very happy and interested

explore somewhere new v to go to places where you have never been before,to see what is there

flight n a journey you make by aeroplane

funny adj making you smile orlaugh

gift n a present

have a rest v to have a period oftime when you relax or sleep

hotel n a place where you pay to stay when you are away from home

interesting adj keeping your attention

journey n when you travel from one place to another

learn the language v to study the type of communication of people in a particular country

miss v to not arrive in time to catch,e.g.a bus ora plane

pack v to put things into a suitcase orbag,ready for travelling

perfect adj something which doesn't have anything wrong with it at all

present n something that you give to someone,e.g.fora birthday

prize n something which is given to the winner of a competition

sightseeing n the activity of visiting places because they are interesting or beautiful

speaka language v to be able to communicate ina language

stay at a campsite v to spend a period of time at a place where you can camp

stay at home v to not leave the place where you live

stay in a comfortable hotel v to spend a period of time at a hotel

stay with a family v spend a period of time in a familys home

suitcase n a large,hard case forputting clothes in,fora journey

tiring adj making you feel tired

tour n a visit to lookaround a place

visit capital cities /new countries v to go to places where you have never been before

win v to be first orto get the most points in a game or competition

wonderful adj very good

本文关键字: KET校园版Unit8单词表





