
2024-03-20 08:04:00来源:网络


  仿佛科幻片成真,这两天,有了ChatGPT“大脑”的人形机器人Figure 01,震撼全网↓

  当地时间3月13日早晨,美国机器人初创公司Figure AI在社交媒体X(原推特)上放出这段最新演示视频,配文写道:“有了OpenAI,Figure 01现在可以与人进行完整的对话”,强调了Figure 01现在能够即时理解并对人类互动做出实时反应的能力。

  Robotics developer Figure made waves on Wednesday when it shared a video demonstration of its first humanoid robot engaged in a real-time conversation, thanks to generative AI from OpenAI.

  “With OpenAI, Figure 01 can now have full conversations with people,” Figure said on X, highlighting its ability to understand and react to human interactions instantly.


  The company explained that its recent alliance with OpenAI brings high-level visual and language intelligence to its robots, allowing for “fast, low-level, dexterous robot actions.”

  这家公司在 3 月 1 日刚刚宣布获得 OpenAI 等公司的投资,才十几天就直接用上了 OpenAI 的大模型,现在其旗下机器人的性能可谓突飞猛进。

  在视频中,机器人Figure 01与其创造者——高级AI工程师柯里·林奇(Corey Lynch)互动,在一个厨房里进行了几项任务。

  比如,当人类要求Figure 01给他东西吃时,Figure 01能正确识别出苹果是食物,并且递给人类。



  In the video, Figure 01 interacts with its creator’s Senior AI Engineer Corey Lynch, who puts the robot through several tasks in a makeshift kitchen, including identifying an apple, dishes, and cups.

  Figure 01 identified the apple as food when Lynch asked the robot to give him something to eat. Lynch then had Figure 01 collect trash into a basket and asked it questions simultaneously, showing off the robot's multitasking capabilities.

  在X上,林奇对Figure 01进行了更详细的解释。


  林奇强调,Figure 01的行为是通过学习得来的,以正常速度运行,并且不是远程控制。

  Lynch emphasized that Figure 01’s behavior was learned, run at normal speed, and not controlled remotely.


  According to Lynch, they feed images from the robot's cameras and transcribe text from speech captured by onboard microphones to a large multimodal model trained by OpenAI.

  Multimodal AI refers to artificial intelligence that can understand and generate different data types, such as text and images.

  Figure 01这次的“炸裂”亮相,在海外社交媒体上引发轰动。不少网友认为这是通往人工智能“奇点”的里程碑之一。

  The debut sparked a passionate response on Twitter, many people impressed with the capabilities of Figure 01—and more than a few adding it to the list of mileposts on the way to the singularity.





  (注:科幻片中《2001太空漫游》中的经典场景:太空中仅剩的宇航员大卫想回到飞船中时,他发现舱门被关上了,于是要求飞船中的人工智能计算机HAL打开舱门。HAL平静的说:很抱歉,大卫,我恐怕不能那么做。I’m sorry Dave, I’m afraid I can’t do that.)



  “就在几年前,我还认为,在人形机器人计划并执行自己完全学习的行为时,与它进行全面对话,这是我们必须等上几十年才能看到的事情。” Figure AI的高级工程师林奇说,“显然,很多事情已经改变了。”

  “Even just a few years ago, I would have thought having a full conversation with a humanoid robot while it plans and carries out its own fully learned behaviors would be something we would have to wait decades to see,” Figure AI’s Senior AI Engineer, Corey Lynch said on Twitter. “Obviously, a lot has changed.”

本文关键字: 新概念英语





