
2024-03-09 09:26:00来源:网络


  A man has been detained by police for an alleged intentional injury after he was witnessed beating and stabbing another man on a Hangzhou highway on Feb 22, police announced Feb 25. According to authorities, the victim was the suspect's cousin, and the incident stemmed from a business dispute.


  Caught on video, the incident gained widespread praise for the courageous intervention of a passing driver named Sun Zijian, a lawyer from Zhejiang. Sun was driving on the Qiantang overpass when he encountered a three-lane road already congested due to the altercation.

  当天,孙子见开车途经钱塘高架路时,原本三车道的路面已经因为伤人事件开始拥堵。“当时看到伤者躺在车道中间,我觉得很危险,那位车主还在打他,拳打脚踢。” 孙子见连忙将车斜停在路上,方便后方来车看见并及时减速。

  Witnessing the injured party lying in the middle of the lane and the assailant continuing the assault, Sun swiftly parked his car diagonally, allowing following vehicles to see and decelerate promptly. He approached the scene and, upon discovering that the individuals involved were relatives with an ongoing financial dispute, attempted to mediate.


  "I told them that resorting to violence wouldn't solve anything. If you injure someone, what positive outcome do you expect?" Sun Zijian said.


  Despite his intervention, the aggressor persisted in attempting to harm the victim. Sun shielded the injured driver with his body and promptly called the police. Once the assailant left the scene, Sun, along with other conscientious drivers, moved the injured party into his vehicle. He remained at the scene until law enforcement and an ambulance arrived, ensuring the victim's safety.


  The suspect has since been arrested on charges of intentional injury, while the victim is reported to be out of life-threatening danger. The case is currently under further investigation.


  Sun, originally from Heilongjiang, has been working in Hangzhou for over five years. Reflecting on the incident, he admitted feeling fear afterward but emphasized that at the time, his primary concern was to rescue the victim.


  Sun believes that, in reality, he saved two people: "If I hadn't intervened to stop the driver, he might have inflicted more harm, leading to graver legal consequences. Therefore, from my perspective, I effectively rescued two individuals."


  As a lawyer, he highlighted the importance of legal recourse in resolving disputes, condemning violent actions as an inappropriate means of venting emotions.

  不少网友为孙子见的勇气点赞:“谢谢你的见义勇为!” “救了两个人,甚至两个家庭!”

本文关键字: 新概念英语





