
2024-08-12 21:08:44来源:网络



  The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) responds to a Reuters story of 7 August 2024 exposing a scheme whereby the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) allowed athletes who had doped, to compete for years, in at least one case without ever publishing or sanctioning their anti-doping rule violations, in direct contravention of the World Anti-Doping Code and USADA’s own rules.





  China Anti-Doping Agency (CHINADA) noted that the serious wrongdoing by the United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) in covering up anti-doping rule violations of some athletes it has caught and letting them keep on competing has been revealed by the media. In a subsequent statement, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) pointed out that since 2011, there have been at least three cases where athletes who had taken steroids and erythropoietins (EPO) were not charged and sanctioned by USADA and were allowed to continue to compete for years until their retirement while they acted as the so-called undercover agents for USADA. This practice has long been covered up by USADA, who hadn’t informed WADA until 2021 when WADA immediately instructed it to desist.


  Such practice of USADA constitutes a serious violation of the World Anti-Doping Code (the Code) and its own rules, causes severe damage to the rights and interests of clean athletes and to the fair play principle in sport, and shows a profound lack of transparency in USADA’s anti-doping work. The fact that the U.S. has turned a blind eye to its long history of doping problems while trying to cross the border and exercise jurisdiction over other countries has just clearly exposed to the international community its trick of a thief crying “stop the thief” and the double standards behind its logic. When responding to media concerns, the CEO of USADA said blatantly that their practice is an effective way to get at these bigger, systemic problems. However, the scheme is, in effect, a cover-up of anti-doping rule violations under the guise of undercover informants. This statement reveals the arrogance of the USADA CEO and his contempt for international rules. Moreover, it has further added evidence to the larger-scale, organized, and systemic doping problem in U.S. sports.


  We strongly call on the U.S. Congress and the USADA Board of Directors to face up to the grave problem of doping in the U.S. itself and the serious governance flaw in USADA. What they should do is to tighten supervision and regulation on USADA, strengthen anti-doping measures in their own country, and stop their despicable attempts of “long-arm jurisdiction” and gross meddling in the work of anti-doping organizations in other countries.


  We also strongly call for an independent investigation into USADA for seriously violating the Code by covering up anti-doping rule violations. USADA should immediately disclose the details in relevant cases and respond to the concerns about its own problems from the media and the general public, and truly implement the principle of transparency to which it has repeatedly claimed to have adhered in its statements.


  The International Olympic Committee (IOC) is collaborating closely with all relevant stakeholders to ensure a "good and robust" global anti-doping system, according to IOC spokesman Mark Adams.


  Adams made these remarks on Thursday at an IOC daily briefing at Paris 2024, addressing questions from journalists in the wake of a recent scandal involving the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA).

  The scandal was exposed by a statement issued by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) on Wednesday, which revealed that USADA had allowed U.S. athletes who had violated anti-doping rules to compete without disclosing their violations or imposing any sanctions.


  "Obviously, we're working with all of our stakeholders and continue to work with all our stakeholders to ensure we have a good and robust world anti-doping system," said Adams.


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