
2024-05-22 20:43:17来源:网络

  The tragic death of a Massachusetts teenager who collapsed after eating an extremely spicy tortilla chip last year may prompt both doctors and food manufacturers to take a closer look at the ingredient that provides the punch — capsaicin.去年,一名马萨诸塞州的少年在食用超辣玉米片不幸死亡,这一悲剧事件促使医生和食品制造商对辣椒素这一提供辣味的成分给予更多关注。

  Harris Wolobah died in September at age 14 from cardiopulmonary arrest "in the setting of recent ingestion of food substance with high capsaicin concentration," according to a statement released Thursday by Elaine Driscoll, a spokesperson for the Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety and Security.周四,马萨诸塞州公共安全和安全执行办公室发言人伊莱恩·德里斯科尔发布声明称,去年九月,哈里斯·沃洛巴因“摄入高浓度辣椒素食物后心肺骤停”去世,终年14岁。

  He had consumed a chip manufactured by Paqui that was packed with the chili pepper extract and marketed as the "One Chip Challenge."他食用的是由帕奎公司生产的一款玉米片,该玉米片富含辣椒提取物,并以“一片挑战”为卖点。


  Paqui pulled the chips, which came individually wrapped and in a coffin-shaped container with a skull on the front, from shelves after Wolobah's death.在沃洛巴去世后,帕奎公司下架了这款玉米片。这款玉米片每片单独销售,并装在一个棺材形状的盒子里,上面还有一个骷髅头。

  "I think this case is going to force us to pause and look more closely at capsaicin and its effects," said Dr. Stuart Berger, head of cardiology at Lurie Children's Heart Center in Chicago.芝加哥卢里儿童医院心脏科主任斯图尔特·伯杰说:“我认为这起案件将促使我们重新审视并更加关注辣椒素这一成分及其潜在影响。”

  Wolobah had an enlarged heart and a congenital heart defect, Driscoll confirmed, after The Associated Press reported that the issue was described in the teen's autopsy report.在《美联社》报道了这位少年的尸检报告中所描述的问题后,德里斯科尔医生证实,沃洛巴赫的心脏增大,并且存在先天性心脏缺陷。

  It is not known whether the family was aware of the health issue before the teen's death. Wolobah's parents did not immediately respond to a request for comment.目前尚不清楚沃洛巴的家人是否在孩子去世前就知道这一健康问题。沃洛巴的父母没有立即回应置评请求。

  There's not a lot of research on how capsaicin, which fuels the spicy flavor in various hot sauces and other foods, affects children, Berger said. But Wolobah's death could change that.伯杰说,辣椒素是各种辣酱和其他食物中辣味的来源,但关于辣椒素如何影响青少年的研究并不多。沃洛巴的死亡可能会改变这一现状。

  Berger said he has heard reports of people who used capsaicin-based products to lose weight showing up at emergency rooms with chest pain and, in some cases, myocardial ischemia, a condition in which blood flow to the heart is reduced. "Having said all of the above, it is very hard to know what the effect could be on children or adolescents with underlying heart disease," Berger said.伯杰说,他曾听说过有人使用含有辣椒素的减肥产品,他们会出现胸痛的症状,有时还会心肌缺血,即流向心脏的血液减少。“话虽如此,但目前尚不清楚对患有潜在心脏疾病的儿童或青少年会有什么影响,”伯杰说。

本文关键字: 新概念英语





