KET校园版Unit1:my family,my friends&me

2024-05-22 17:34:29来源:网络

KET校园版Unit1:my family,my friends&me


KET校园版Unit1:Grammar reference


alone adj without other people

aunt n the sister of your mother orfather,or the wife of your uncle

boat n a vehicle fortravelling on water

brother n a boy or man who has the same parents as you

child(children) n a son or daughter,also when they are adults

cousin n the child of your aunt or uncle

curly adj with many curls(=curved shapes)

crowded adj full of people

dad n father

dark adj having blackor brown hair

daughter n your female child

do homework v homework:work which teachers give students to do at home

early adj the opposite of late

eye n the part of the body you use to see

fair adj having alight colour ofhair

father n your male parent

fun adj something thats enjoyable,or that entertains you

get home v to arrive at your house

get up v leave bed after a sleep

go to bed v to go to the place where you sleep

go to sleep v to start sleeping

grandfather n the father of your mother or father

grandmother n the mother of your mother or father

have breakfast /Iunch /dinner v to eat

husband n the man that someone is married to

island n an area of land with water allaround it

leave v to go out from somewhere

long adi having a large distance from one end to the other

member n a person who is partofa group orclub

mother n your female parent

mum n mother

nephew n the son of somebodys brother or sister

niece n the daughter of somebody's brotheror sister

parents n your mother and father

share v to divide something between people or let other people use or see something

short adj not verytall;not long

sister n a girl or woman who has the same parents as you

son n yourmale child

start school v to begin the school day

straight adj not curved or bent

tall adj higher than most other people

tidy v to put everything in the right place

uncle n the brother of your mother orfather,or the husband of your aunt

unusual adj different from other things

wake up v to stop sleeping

walk to school v to go to school using yourfeet

watch Tv v to see programmes on the television

wife (wives) n the woman that someone is married to








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