
2024-05-16 08:23:00来源:网络



  【New words and expressions】 生词和短语

  ●democrat 民主的

  ●restrict v. 限制

  ●abuse v. 滥用

  ●contention n. 论点

  ●untold adj. 数不尽的,无限的

  ●South Dakota 南达科他州 (美国)

  ●perpetual adj. 永久的

  ●quintuplet n. 五胞胎之一

  ●obscurity n. 默默无闻

  ●radically adv. 彻底地,完全地

  ●exclusive adj. 独占的,独家的

  ●nursery n. 育婴室,保育室

  ●commercialization n. 商品化

  ●commodity n. 商品

  ◆democrat 民主的

  ◆restrict v. 限制

  keep within a certain limit

  Eg: The prisoners’ activity is restricted within marrow limits.

  limit: 表示时间、空间、程度等方面的限定,且限定到某一个点

  restrict: 只说明限定范围

  Eg: Land development must be limited.

  He restricts himself to two cigarettes a day.

  restrict sb. to 限制在......范围内


  confine sb. to

  Eg: The boy is confined to the dark room.

  The boy is restricted to the dark room.

  cramp 限制(限制某人的活动或是限制动植特的生长)

  Eg: No body can cramp children.

  You can not cramp my activity.

  hamper 限制,妨碍;困累

  Eg: What hampered you to do so?

  The housewife has a lots to do every day, because she is hampered by poverty.

  My limited vocabulary hampered my reading.

  I am hampered by my limited vocabulary.

  ★★★impede 限制;妨碍

  impede doing sth.

  Eg: Nothing will impede my studying English.

  bound 限定,以......为界限

  ◆abuse v. 滥用

  Eg: Don’t abuse your authority. 不要滥用职权。

  We shouldn’t abuse our rights.不能乱用自己的权力。

  For VIP, they shouldn’t abuse their privilege.

  ◆contention n. 论点

  ◆◆◆untold adj. 数不尽的,无限的

  ==too many to be counted

  Eg: There are untold stars in the sky.

  I am afflicted by / with untold anxieties.

  numerous 无数的

  countless anxieties 无数的烦恼

  Eg: As human being, we can’t keep ourselves free from countless anxieties.

  countable: can be counted



  numberless 无数的,没有房号的

  Eg: This is a numberless room.这是一个没有房号的房间。

  numberable 数得清的

  innumberable 不能数得清的

  ◆South Dakota 南达科他州 (美国)

  ◆◆◆perpetual adj. 永久的



  lasting for a long time


  perpetual : 不休止的,一直持续下去的,不易受阻的

  Eg: They are as poor as church mouse, they have to struggle against perpetual poverty.

  constant 连续的,不断的


  Eg: It is raining constantly. 雨不停地下着。

  continuous 连续不断的

  Eg: They have continuous discussion.

  They have continuous attempt.

  They made great success in their continuous attempt.

  continual 频繁的

  continually adj.

  Eg: It rains continually.最近频繁地在下雨。

  It is raining continuously / constantly.


  everlasting 持久的,耐久的

  Eg: The pair of trousers is lasting.

  Generally speaking, jeans are lasting.


  Eg: You can appreciate endless unbroken clouds.

  Studying English is our perpetual task.

  eternal adj. 永恒的,永久的,不朽的


  Eg: His name is immortal because the longest suspension bridge was named for him.


  temporary job.

  permanent 非临时的,永久的

  Eg: In a big city, sometimes we can not get permanent job.

  constant; continuous; everlasting; lasting; endless; eternal; permanent; perpetual

  ◆quintuplet n. 五胞胎之一

  ◆obscurity n. 默默无闻

  in obscurity

  Eg: He is in obscurity.

  obscure adj. 不起眼的

  Eg: The bus stopped at a obscure bus stop.

  ◆radically adv. 彻底地,完全地

  completely, entirely, thoroughly, fully, inclusive

  ◆◆◆exclusive adj. 独占的,独家的

  exclusive 独占的,独家的 (not share with others )

  Eg: The swimming pool is for my exclusive use.

  exclusive right 独权

  Eg: The newspaper offered a large sum of money to the person to get exclusive right to publish his article.

  exclusive 排外的,排它的

  inclusive 包括在其中的

  Eg: The school is exclusive, only very clever children can go to it.


  The store is exclusive, only very wealthy people can visit it.


  ◆nursery n. 育婴室,保育室

  ◆commercialization n. 商品化

  ◆commodity n. 商品

  commodity economy 商品经济

  commodity market 商品市场

  goods, wares


  In democratic countries any efforts to restrict the freedom of the press are rightly condemned. However, this freedom can easily be abused. Stories about people often attract far more public attention than political events. Though we may enjoy reading about the lives of others, it is extremely doubtful whether we would equally enjoy reading about ourselves. Acting on the contention that facts are sacred, reporters can cause untold suffering to individuals by pub- lishing details about their private lives. Newspapers exert such tremendous influence that they can not only bring about major changes to the lives of ordinary people but can even overthrow a government.

  The story of a poor family that acquired fame and fortune overnight, dramatically illustrates the power of the press. The family lived in Aberdeen, a small town of 23,000 inhabitants in South Dakota. As the parents had five children, life was a perpetual struggle against poverty. They were expecting their sixth child and faced with even more pressing economic problems. If they had only had one more child, the fact would have passed unnoticed. They would have continued to struggle against economic odds and would have lived in obscurity. But they suddenly became the parents of quintuplets, four girls and a boy, an event which radically changed their lives. The day after the birth of the five children, an aeroplane arrived in Aberdeen bringing sixty reporters and photographers.(仅提供部分文章)

  In fact, the power of the press is beyond our description.

  any efforts are rightly condemned.

  effort 企图

  try; attempt 尝试

  make every effort; spare no effort; make every endeavor

  go to great lenghts





  condemn 正式的谴责


  Eg: Your deeds should be rightly condemned.

  forest authorities 森林当局

  education authorities 教育当局

  the authorities 有关当局

  the authorities of the press 新闻当局

  According to this sentence, we know we are much more interested in private stories.

  Sometimes some people even want to smell out people’s secrets or particular scandals.

  lives of others: 替代story about people

  extremely doubtful==extremely uncertain==extremely dubious.

  Eg: If a family skeleton is reviewed, one’s reputation will be damaged / destroyed / spoiled / ruined immediately.

  equally==in the same way=alile

  We wouldn’t like our secret to be reviewed.

  Acting on 以......来行事,遵循......来行事

  that引导的部分是contention 的同位语从句

  When stories published in details by the press are wonderful, you will become famous very soon.

  If the story is terrible, your reputation will be ruined immediately.

  exert... on sth.

  bring about 带来,导致

  lead to


  result in

  major: great, considerable

  In the first paragraph the writer illustrate how powerful the press is in the general way.

  acquire: gain==obtain

  acquire fortune: 发财

  acuire fame 出了名

  make fortune

  the city dweller 城市居住者

  the country dweller 乡村居住者

  expect a baby

  in the interesting condition

  in the family way


  be faced with 面临

  The window faces the south. 窗户朝南

  In the process of studying English, We are faced with a great many problems, which should be surmounted.

  surmount 克服

  solve problem 解决问题

  In teh process of studying English, we are faced with a great many problems, which should be surmounted / got rid of / removed as quickly as possible.

  economic: problems=poverty

  pressing 紧迫的

  unnoticed 形容词做状语

  odds n. 各种让人烦的小事

  bear 容忍;生育 born 是bear的过去分词

  attract the attention of the press

  The rise to the fame is swift==Their being famous was rapid.

  huge sums==huge sums of money

  care for 关心

  press for==demand


  Eg: The students kept pressing for examinations.

  restrict: 限制 (restrict to)

  confine (confine to ), limit

  equally: 同样地

  alike, in the same way / degree

  contention: 论点



  contless, uncountable, numerous, innumerable, numberless

  acquired :已获得的

  got, gained, obtained

  perpetual struggle:永无休止的斗争


  in obscurity 默默无闻的,不出名的

  not being well-known




本文关键字: 新概念英语第三册





