
2024-08-04 20:52:00来源:网络


  Renmin University of China has fired a professor who allegedly sexually harassed a doctoral student, the university announced on Monday night after concluding an investigation into allegations made public over the weekend.

  Following the investigation, the student expressed her gratitude for the university's strict and swift handling of the situation.

  She also appreciated the university's and the college's deep concern and care regarding her well-being, potential secondary injuries, and other impacts following the incident. She said she was proud of the attitude and efficiency with which it was dealt quickly and without leniency.

  The university expressed high concern and formed a working group overnight to investigate the matter, according to its statement published on Monday morning.

  7月21日晚, B站一名为“人大维权博士生王D”的UP主发布了一段58分钟的视频,实名举报中国人民大学文学院原党委书记兼副院长、博导王某某,“在工作和学习期间对其实施强制猥亵,遭到拒绝后被对方打击报复,并以不允许毕业来对其进行威胁”。


  According to the video posted by the student, Wang Di, on Sunday, the advisor Wang Guiyuan, who is also a former Party secretary and vice dean of School of Liberal Arts, retaliated against her over the following two years and threatened to prevent her from graduating after she refused his advances on May 21, 2022.


  She also showed recordings and chat records as evidence, saying that she is willing to assume legal responsibility, and demanded that the instructor be punished in accordance with the law and replaced by the university.


  According to a release published by the university on Monday night, an investigation found the reported situation to be true. The instructor had seriously abandoned his original mission of teaching and violated the Communist Party of China's disciplinary rules and professional ethics of teachers.


  It was decided that the instructor should be expelled from the Party, have his title of professor and his qualifications as a graduate instructor revoked, and have his qualifications as a teacher at Renmin University of China terminated.

  The university also reported the case to the higher education administrative department for the revocation of his teaching qualification and provided relevant information to the appropriate authorities in accordance with the law.


  Beijing police have been informed of the incident and are involved in the investigation in accordance with the law, according to a release published by the Public Security Bureau in Haidian District of Beijing on Monday night.



本文关键字: 新概念英语





