
2024-05-23 17:22:23来源:网络


actor n a person who acts in afilm,play orTV programme

adventure n an experience,fim story,etc.which is exciting

advice n a suggestion given to someone to help them

afraid adj scared orfrightened

attractive adj beautiful or pleasant to look at

be bad at v to not be able to do something well

be brilliant at v to be able to do something very well

be good at v to be able to do something well

be interested in v to want to know about something

be terrible at v to be very bad at doing something

book v to arrange to use something at a particular time

camping n when you stay in a tent

club n an organisation for people who enjoy the same sport or activity

collect things v to try to get a large numberof a certain thing,as a hobby

comedy n a fim or play etc.which makes people laugh

competition n an event in which people try to win by being better than others

cooking v to make food ready to eat

correct adj something that has no mistakes or is the right answer

countryside n an area which isn't in a city ortown and has fields,trees,etc

dancing v to move yourfeet and body to the rhythm of music

draw pictures v draw:to make a picture with a pencil

end v to finish orto stop

enjoy v to like doing something

glad adj happy

going to concerts v concert: a performance of music and singing

good-looking adj attractive or beautiful

hate v to dislike something a lot

horror n a film or story which makes people scared

idea n a suggestion for something

join v to become a memberofa cluborgroup

let someone know v tell someone about something

(don't)likev to(not) enjoy,(not)be interestedin,(not)be happy about something

listen to songs v song:a piece of music with words that someone sings

love v to like something or someone very much

messaging friends v to write texts to people you like

nature n plants,animals and birds,not made by people

online adj something you can do on the internet

play an instrument v instrument:an object that is used for making music,forexample a piano or a violin

play computer games v computer games: games that you play on your computer

play sports v sports:games and activities such as football,tennis and swimming

prefer v to like something or someone more than something or someone else

reading books v read:to look at words and understand what they mean

scared adj frightened or afraid

sleep in a tent v tent:a structure for sleeping in,made of cloth fixed to poles

spend time v to use time doing something

take photos v to use a camera to make photographs

terrible adj very bad

trying new food v to eat food you have never eaten before to see if you like it

type n a group of things orpeople that are similar

watch films v fim:a story shown in moving pictures at a cinema or on the television

well-known adj famous

worried adj anxious about a problem or something which might happen

本文关键字: KET校园版Unit2单词表





