新概念英语第一册新版笔记 (13)

2021-10-09 16:49:00来源:网络

  新东方在线新概念小编为大家带来一文,希望对大家的新概念英语学习有所帮助。更多精彩尽请关注新东方在线新概念英语学习网(http://nce.koolearn.com )!


  money/ man/ woman/ life


  The list of life 生命的清单

  be afraid of v. 害怕,担忧

  discuss 讨论

  travel v. 旅行,传播

  make a list of the rest of his life

  along prep. 顺着,沿着

  quit/ give up his job 辞职

  article 文章

  If not because of the sickness, I'll never realize how terrible my life was before.

  life is going on as it should be.

  Everybody has a date a cancer, that is inevitable death.

  Every life has its actual blanks, which ideal must fill up.

  Lesson 36 Where…? ……在哪里?


  beside prep. 在……旁

  off prep. 离开

  Exercise B

  boy swimming/ across the river

  Where is the boy swimming? He's swimming across the river.

  children going/ into the park

  Where are the children going? They're going into the park.

  1 man going/ into the shop

  Where is the man going? He's going into the shop.

  2 woman going/ out of the shop

  Where is the woman going? She's going out of the shop.

  3 he sitting/ beside his mother

  Where is he sitting? He's sitting beside his mother.

  4 they walking/ across the street

  Where are they walking? They're walking across the street.

  5 the cats running/ along the wall

  Where are the cats running? They're running along the wall.

  6 the children jumping/ off the branch

  Where are the children jumping? They're jumping off the branch.

  7 man standing/ between two policemen.

  Where is the man standing? He is standing between two policemen.

  8 she sitting/ near the tree

  Where is she sitting? She is sitting near the tree.

  9 it flying/under the bridge

  Where is it flying? It is flying under the bridge.

  10 the aeroplane flying/ over the bridge

  Where is the aeroplane flying? It is flying over the bridge.

  11 they sitting/ on the grass

  Where are they sitting? They are sitting on the grass.

  12 the man and the woman reading/ in the living room

  Where are the man and the woman reading? They are reading in the living room.

  Lesson 37 Making a bookcase 做书架


  work v. 工作

  hard adv. 努力地

  make v. 做

  bookcase n. 书橱,书架

  hammer n. 锤子

  paint v. 上漆,涂

  pink n.& adj. 粉红色

  favourite adj. 最喜欢的

  work [wE:k] [wEk]

  work/ job/ task/ employment/ labour/ occupation/ profession

  employ v.

  employee 雇员/ employer 雇主

  professor 教授

  work hard/ hard work/ hard-working

  George is working are working hard.


  1 现阶段正在进行的动作或状态

  2 现阶段正在进行,但说话的当时并不一定在进行的动作

  3 句子后加将来的时间,表示打算要做的事情

  be going to 句型




本文关键字: 新概念英语一册 新概念





