
2021-08-18 16:04:00来源:网络

  新东方在线新概念小编为大家带来一文,希望对大家的新概念英语学习有所帮助。更多精彩尽请关注新东方在线新概念英语学习网(http://nce.koolearn.com )!

  Written exercises书面练习

  A Complete these sentences



  I come from England, but Stella ______from Spain.

  I come from England, but Stella comes from Spain.

  1 We come from Germany, but Dimitri ______from Greece.

  2 I like cold weather, but he ______warm weather.

  3 He comes from the U.S., but she ______from England.

  4 She doesn't like the winter, but she ______the summer.

  5 I come from Norway, but you ______from Spain.

  6 Stella comes from Spain, but Hans and Karl ______from Germany.

  7 We don't come from Spain. We ______from Brazil.

  B Write questions and answers.



  he/(Brazil)/the U.S.

  Where does he come from?

  Does he come from Brazil?

  No, he doesn't come from Brazil. He comes from the U.S.

  What nationality is he?

  He's American.

  1 she/(England)/the U.S.

  2 they/(France)/England

  3 he/(France)/Germany

  4 he/(Italy)/Greece

  5 they/(Greece)/Italy

  6 they/(Brazil)/Norway

  7 they/(Norway)/Greece

  8 she/(Italy)/Spain

  9 she/(Norway)/France

  10 he/(the U.S.)/Brazil


  Lesson 52


  1 We come from Germany, but Dimitri comes from Greece.

  2 I like cold weather, but he likes warm weather.

  3 He comes from the U.S., but she comes from England.

  4 She doesn't like the winter, but she likes the summer.5

  I come from Norway, but you come from Spain.

  6 Stella comes from Spain, but Hans and Karl come from Germany.

  7 We don't come from Spain. We come from Brazil.


  1 Where does she come from? Does she come from England?

  No, she doesn't come from England. She comes from the U.S.

  What nationality is she?

  She's American.

  2 Where do they come from? Do they come from France?

  No, they don't come from France. They come from England.

  What nationality are they?

  They're English.

  3 Where does he come from? Does he come from France?

  No, he doesn't come from France. He comes from Germany.

  What nationality is he?

  He's German.4 Where does he come from? Does he come from Italy?

  No, he doesn't come from Italy. He comes from Greece.

  What nationality is he?

  He's Greek.

  5 Where do they come from? Do they come from Greece?

  No, they don't come from Greece. They come from Italy.

  What nationality are they?

  They're Italian.

  6 Where do they come from? Do they come from Brazil?

  No, they don't come from Brazil. They come from Norway.

  What nationality are they?

  They're Norwegian.

  7 Where do they come from? Do they come from Norway?

  No, they don't come from Norway. They come from Greece.

  What nationality are they?

  They're Greek.

  8 Where does she come from? Does she come from Italy?

  No, she doesn't come from Italy. She comes from Spain.

  What nationality is she?

  She's Spanish.

  9 Where does she come from? Does she come from Norway?

  No, she doesn't come from Norway. She comes from France.

  What nationality is she?

  She's French.

  10 Where does he come from? Does he come from the U.S.?

  No, he doesn't come from the U.S. He comes from Brazil.

  What nationality is he?

  He's Brazilian.




本文关键字: 新概念英语一册 新概念



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