
2021-05-01 16:43:00来源:网络

  新东方在线新概念小编为大家带来新概念英语第一册答案解析Lesson115~120一文,希望对大家的新概念英语学习有所帮助。更多精彩尽请关注新东方在线新概念英语学习网(http://nce.koolearn.com )!



  1 I did nothing.

  2 I saw no one.

  3 I went nowhere.

  4 I met nobody.


  1 No, I didn't hear anything. I heard nothing.

  2 No, I didn't speak to anyone, I spoke to nobody.

  3 No, I didn't go anywhere. I went nowhere.

  4 No, I didn't buy anything. I bought nothing.

  5 No, I didn't write to anybody. I wrote to nobody.

  6 No, I didn't meet anyone. I met no one.


  1 Everyone's looking out of the window.

  2 Everyone's hurrying to work.

  3 Everyone's eating.

  4 Everyone's drinking lemonade.


  1 No, I haven't got anything to eat. I've got nothing to eat. He's got something to eat.

  2 No, I haven't got anything to do. I've got nothing to do. They've got something to do.

  3 No, I haven't got anything to drink. I've got nothing to drink. She's got something to drink.

  4 No, I haven't got anything to read. I've got nothing to read. He's got something to read.



  1 He knocked at the door when I was answering the phone.

  2 He came downstairs when I was having breakfast.

  3 The phone rang when I was washing the dishes.

  4 The boss arrived when she was typing a letter.

  5 The train left when I was buying the tickets.

  6 It rained heavily when I was driving to London.


  1 When he arrived I was cooking a meal.

  2 When he arrived I was washing the dishes.

  3 When he arrived I was working in the garden.

  4 When he arrived I was typing letters.

  5 When he arrived I was shaving.

  6 When he arrived I was boiling the milk.

  7 When he arrived I was phoning my sister.

  8 When he arrived I was dusting the bedroom.


  1 While I was cooking the dinner, he was having a wash.

  2 While I was cooking the dinner, he was watching television.

  3 While I was cooking the dinner, he was cleaning his shoes.

  4 While I was cooking the dinner, he was listening to the radio.

  5 While I was cooking the dinner, he was changing his suit.

  6 While I was cooking the dinner, he was sitting in the dining room.

  7 While I was cooking the dinner, he was reading the paper.

  8 While I was cooking the dinner, he was driving home from work.



  1 He dropped the vase after he had taken it into the living room.

  2 He bought another car after he had sold his old one.

  3 He swept the floor after he had dusted everything.

  4 She drank the milk after she had boiled it.

  5 He turned off the television after he had seen the programme.

  6 He went to bed after he had done his homework.


  1 Yes, I have just seen it. I had never seen it before.

  2 Yes, I have just read it. I had never read it before.

  3 Yes, I have just tried it. I had never tried it before.

  4 Yes, I have just been there. I had never been there before.

  5 Yes, I have just written a letter in English. I had never written a letter in English before.

  6 Yes, I have just watched this programme. I had never watched this programme before.


  1 It was too late. He had already painted it.

  2 It was too late. She had already dusted it.

  3 It was too late. You had already telephoned him.

  4 It was too late. You had already corrected it.

  5 It was too late. They had already shut it.

  6 It was too late. She had already made it.


  1 I went to the doctor after I had made an appointment.

  2 The boss left the office after he had finished work.

  3 My wife went out after she had finished the housework.

  4 My teacher gave me my exercise book after he had corrected it.

  5 My sister went on holiday after she had taken the examination.

  6 I bought a new car after I had sold my old one.




本文关键字: 新概念英语一册 新概念



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