
2024-07-27 20:04:00来源:网络

  激动的心,颤抖的手,全球盛事2024巴黎奥运会(The Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games)已于今天凌晨1:30开幕了!!!不知道大家有没有这种感觉,奥运会的关注度越来越低了,悄无声息地,居然就开始了?


  2024年巴黎奥运会的吉祥物(Olympic Mascots)“弗里热”由法国国旗的红白蓝三色组成,其设计灵感来自法国家喻户晓的“弗里吉亚帽”。这顶酷似红色“糖三角”的帽子,在18世纪的法国大革命中广泛流行,又被称为“自由之帽”。在著名油画作品《自由领导人民》,以及名著《悲惨世界》中,都能见到弗里吉亚帽的身影。弗里热也正脱胎于对自由、团结、和平等美好愿景的向往。

  "Organizers said they want to deliver the idea that sport can change everything and that it deserves to have a leading place in the society through the mascots."


  "It's time to bring sport into our everyday lives - all sports and every way of experiencing sport - through participation and encouragement," Paris 2024 said in a statement.


  火炬是现代奥运会的“圣物”,不同形状、颜色和寓意的火炬是每届奥运会的身份象征。本届奥运火炬(Olympic Torch)由法国顶级设计师马修·勒汉纽尔(Mathieu Lehanneur)设计,火炬下半部分效仿塞纳河的水波涟漪,在结构上,火焰能够从上方及两侧射出,适合各种天气情况下使用。

  "Such a project is a dream for a designer, because it's a project that combined everything–symbolic, technical – in one, for a big moment." Lehanneur added.


  本届奥运奖牌(Olympic Medals)由法国奢侈品巨头LVMH集团旗下以皇冠珠宝闻名的尚美巴黎CHAUMET操刀设计,创作灵感来自三大主题:代表法国的六边形、代表“光之城”巴黎的光芒,以及代表埃菲尔铁塔的原铁镶嵌。CHAUMET以珠宝经典六爪镶的方式,将来自埃菲尔铁塔的原铁嵌在奖牌上,可谓仪式感十足。特色鲜明、独具匠心的奖牌设计,向全世界展现了法国为成功举办一届具有历史意义的奥运会和残奥会而付出的努力。

  Paris 2024 called on LVMH jeweler Chaumet to design its medals. Globally renowned for its craftsmanship, Chaumet has made the medal into a veritable jewel, with a construction conceived around three sources of inspiration: the hexagon, radiance, and gem-setting.

  Each Olympic and Paralympic medal is set with a piece of original iron from the Eiffel Tower. The original Eiffel Tower iron is formed in a hexagon — the geometrical shape of France herself. This symbol is a reminder of the whole nation's engagement in delivering an historic Olympic and Paralympic Games.

  除此之外,让人振奋的还有插画师(illustrator)乌戈·加托尼(Ugo Gattoni)耗时2000小时绘制的奥运主题海报(Olympic Iconic Poster)。

  To fulfil this creative ambition and illustrate its vision of the Games, Paris 2024 has called on the unique talent of French cartoonist Ugo Gattoni, who has captured the spirit of the Games in a universe brimming with detail and symbols celebrating both the values of sport and the excitement of a great popular festival open to the world.


  The Iconic Posters are the dream representation of a stadium city, echoing the Paris 2024 slogan "Games wide open" and referring to the concept of the Paris Games: bringing sport to the heart of the city. In Paris, Marseille and Tahiti, Paris 2024 invites spectators to take a stroll through an abundant, joyful universe where every detail tells its own story.

  本届奥运会主张将体育的核心价值深根于人们的日常生活当中,秉承追求“更快、更高、更强——更团结(Faster, Higher, Stronger - Together)”的奥运格言(Olympic Motto)。同时,兼顾可持续发展的理念,奥运会期间巴黎市区的标志性景观将被改造成为奥运场馆(Olympic Venues),或是作为奥运比赛的背景。法国不少知名建筑已悄悄换上新装,古典艺术与现代运动元素激情碰撞,也让巴黎这座古老而美丽的城市焕发全新气象。

  2024年正值中法建交60周年(the 60th anniversary of China-France diplomatic relations),两国友好发展与通力合作让这段深厚的友谊不断碰撞出新火花。在艺术和体育的有机融合与彼此丰富下,在开放、参与性强(participatory)、团结(uniting)和包容(inclusive)的文化奥运宗旨下,体育精神和文化创新创造活力(cultural creativity)将会深深植根于两国乃至全世界人民心中。相信很多小伙伴已经刷到过不少以上的相关新闻了,号称史上最环保、最绿色的巴黎奥运会就差把“扣”写在脑门上了。比如,40度高温不配空调,而是采用“自然降温”法,两个运动员挤一个12平的宿舍,床宽也只有0.9米,餐饮60%都是素食,然后美其名曰环保。。。


  不过这里面有15亿美元是用于塞纳河整治的,结果今年3月的水质检测发现,塞纳河水域的大肠杆菌和肠球菌浓度还是远远超标。The pollution of the Seine is a century-old problem that cannot be expected to be solved by one Olympics, that is, I hope it will not affect the health of the athletes.塞纳河污染是百年难题,不能指望一场奥运会解决,就是希望不要影响到运动员们的健康。而且,环保不等于省钱。为了环保,奥运村的床沿用了上届东京的纸板床,虽是纸板,但据悉每张床的售价高达8000元人民币,运动员们亲测过了,9个成年人才能踩塌,非常结实。


  Environmental protection is a good idea, the implementation of a little tasteless, should not be sacrificed athletes to participate in the experience, the environmental protection of the place is not in place, should not be environmentally friendly can vigorously save money.环保理念本意是好的,执行下来就有点变味了,不该牺牲运动员们的参赛体验,该环保的地方不到位,不该环保的可劲儿省钱。除了抠门,备受吐槽的还有巴黎的交通问题,厕所太少等等,但是,啥都能喷,论审美的话,还真喷不了一点。01开放的设计理念此次开幕式史无前例地不在体育场馆中将举办,而是定在了塞纳河上。Participate in the opening ceremony of more than 10,000 athletes will take more than 90 boats along the Seine River from east to west to enter, passing through Notre Dame, the Louvre and many other French landmarks, straight to the Eiffel Tower, the cruise symbolizes the Olympic spirit and friendship of the boat in harmony.参加开幕式的一万多名运动员将乘坐90余艘船只沿塞纳河由东向西入场,途经巴黎圣母院、卢浮宫等多处法国地标性建筑,直达埃菲尔铁塔,游船象征着奥运精神和友谊的小船和谐共生。

  There will be a variety of water screen projections, dance performances, orchestral music and 12 other performance scenes along the Seine River, and 12 paintings lurking in the water, showcasing the cultural heritage of Paris and France.届时塞纳河沿途还会有各种水幕投影、舞蹈演出、管弦乐等12个表演场景,水中还潜藏着12幅画作,展示巴黎以及法国的文化遗产。


  Jolly hinted to the press that a bridge tribute to French director Léo Carax's classic masterpiece “Lovers on the New Bridge” would be arranged for the opening ceremony. It is to be expected that it will be a feast for the arts.乔利向媒体暗示,开幕式上会安排向法国导演莱奥·卡拉克斯的经典名作《新桥恋人》致敬的桥段。可以预想,这将是一场艺术盛宴。

  Being the city of romance, this opening ceremony is also in pursuit of the ultimate romanticism.作为浪漫之都,此次开幕式也是追求极致的罗曼蒂克。埃菲尔铁塔将以前所未有的方式点亮,法国国家飞行表演队将出现在天空进行飞行表演,一位走钢丝演员会从莎玛丽丹百货公司屋顶穿过塞纳河,把火炬传递到巴黎左岸。。。开幕式将于当地时间晚7时30分揭开序幕,落日余晖、塞纳河畔的夜景、演员们的律动、埃菲尔铁塔的璀璨光芒、波光粼粼的水面,光影交错、交相辉映、如梦似幻。

  According to the designer's concept, the move is to treat the whole of Paris as an amphitheater, with the Seine, the lifeblood of Paris, as the stage, where world-class artists present their art.按照设计师的理念,此举是将整个巴黎视为一个露天剧场,以巴黎的生命之河塞纳河为舞台,世界级的艺术家们在此展现艺术的魅力。单是这个户外创意,就挺让人眼前一亮,法国总统马克龙在周一的记者会面上也表示:2024 Olympics Opening Ceremony Will Be “Unique in History”.It was a “great victory” for France to be able to hold its opening ceremony on the Seine in the face of a combination of technical and security challenges.2024 奥运会开幕式将是 “历史上独一无二的”。法国能够在面临技术和安全挑战双重的情况下在塞纳河举行开幕式是一次 “巨大的胜利“。关于名画潜水这个设计,有不少网友表示,有点梦回东京奥运会的“阴间”、”恐怖“风,但也有网友表示,非常有创意。最后呈现出来的是什么效果,我们还是开幕式一窥究竟。


  Boldly experiment with a variety of colors in a dreamy violet hue.以梦幻的紫罗兰色为主色调,大胆尝试多种色彩。湖蓝色的场馆、橘红色的网球场、彩虹色的接力棒、长出手臂的维纳斯、随处可见的渐变色、撞色、荧光色,清新自然,活力满满。仿佛进入了韦斯安德森的《布达佩斯大饭店》电影世界中。It can be said that the Paris Olympics is the best use of color in the Olympic Games, Paris is also worthy of the name of fashion capital.可以说,巴黎奥运会是历届奥运会中最会运用色彩的,巴黎也不愧是时尚之都名号。


本文关键字: 新概念英语





