
2024-07-18 08:16:00来源:网络



  greengrocer n. 蔬菜水果零售商

  absent adj. 缺席的

  Monday n. 星期一

  Tuesday n. 星期二

  Wednesday n. 星期三

  Thursday n. 星期四

  keep v. (身体健康)处于(状况)

  spend v. 度过

  weekend n. 周末

  Friday n. 星期五

  Saturday n. 星期六

  Sunday n. 星期日

  country n. 乡村

  lucky adj. 幸运的

  butcher 卖肉的

  at the butcher's 在肉店里

  at the greengrocer's dentist 牙医

  at the dentist's 在牙医的诊所

  hairdresser at the hairdresser's my mother at my mother's home at my mother's I am going to stay at my mother's this Friday.

  this weekend 这个周末

  They are going to stay at her mother's this weekend.

  be absent be absent from school 缺课

  be absent from work 旷工

  study school student [k] [d] [g] [b] 与S搭配发音要“浊化”

  in the country luck good luck 一般过去时 1 现在进行时一表示现阶段正在进行或发生的事情二表示一个阶段正在进行,但说话时不一定正在进行三表示将来要做的事情

  be + v+ing be + not + v+ing now 2



  主语是第三人称单数时 +v+s(es) don’t; do doesn’t;

  does 一般现在时的时间频率副词:

  often, always, sometimes, never, usually 用在be动词之后,行为动词之前否定句中用在助动词和行为动词之间一般过去时一表示过去某个点上特定的时间存在的状态,事实,或发生的动作。


  was, were wasn't, weren't two years ago 两年以前

  three days ago 三天以前

  five years ago 五年以前

  two minutes ago

  four weeks ago

  last year

  last month

  last Sunday

  I was a student two years ago.

  I wasn't a student two years ago.

  Were you a student two years ago?


  I was at the butcher's yesterday.

  Mrs. Williams Mrs. Williams was at the greengrocer's three days ago.

  just now 刚才

  Were you at the butcher's just now?

  Were you at the greengrocer's just now?


  be absent from school

  be absent from work

  Jimmy was absent from school last week.

  They were absent from work last week.

  He was absent from school on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

  v 动作的过去时态 go -> went I went there yesterday.

  did, didn't

  I didn't go there yesterday.

  Did you go there yesterday?

  Yes, I did. No, I didn't.

  What do you do every day?

  What do they do every day?

  What does she do every day?

  What did you do yesterday?


  ask, jump, wait

  1 一般的动词后面直接加-ed 清辅音后面加ed,读[t] 浊辅音或元音后面加ed,读[d] asked [B:skt] jumped [dVQmpt] cleaned [kli:nd] lied [laid] waited [5weitid]

  2 单词末尾是e的直接加d believe, argue, waste believed, argued, wasted

  3 单词是以短元音加一个辅音结尾,这个辅音要双写加ed C, e, a, i chat, stop, beg, fit chatted stopped begged fitted

  4 如果是辅音字母加y结尾的单词,要把y变i加ed study, empty, cry studied emptied cried play -> played enjoy -> enjoyed empty -> empties -> emptied -> emptying

  I empty the basket every morning.

  My mother empties the basket every morning.

  My father emptied the basket yesterday morning.

  They are emptying the basked.

  I am going to empty the basket.

  I didn't empty the basket yesterday.

  Did you empty the basket yesterday?

  What did you do yesterday?

  What did she do yesterday?

  What did your mother do yesterday?


  keep -> kept How are you all keeping?

  keep up with sb. 赶上某人

  keep on doing sth. 继续保持做某事

  keep under one's hat=keep secret 保守秘密

  study study hard want to do sth.

  I am studying hard. I want to keep up with you.

  try 尝试

  keep on trying

  cost [物做主语,表示物的售价]

  pay [人做主语,人为某物付钱]

  afford 支付得起,腾出时间

  take [花时间]

  expend [数额较大,比较正式的用法]

  It cost me … pay for I can't afford it.

  I can afford one day for you.

  spend spend three days holiday 假期

  Spend my holiday in the country I am going to spend three days in the country. spend the weekend They are going to spend their weekend in Hong Kong. spend … on spend (in) doing sth. I spend some time reading the book. Women always spend a lot of money on clothes. I have spent a lot of money on my child. I spent ten minutes in listening to Mr.Zhang's explanation. spend some time on sth. spend some time in doing sth.

  luck lucky unlucky 不幸运的

  good luck at the greengrocer's be absent from school How are you all keeping? spend some time in the country We are very lucky. Mrs. Johnson was at the butcher's yesterday. Mrs. William was at the greengrocer's. They were at the school yesterday. Jimmy was absent from school yesterday. They were absent from work on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. How are you all keeping? We are going to spend three days in the country. You are very lucky. You aren't very lucky. Aren't you lucky?


  Hello. Where you at the butcher's?

  Yes. I was. Were you at butcher's, too?

  No, I wasn't. I was at the greengrocer's.

  How's Jimmy today?

  He's very well, thank you.

  Was he absent from school last week?

  Yes, he was. He was absent on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Tuesday.

  How are you all keeping?

  Very well, thank you.

  We're going to spend three days in the country.

  We're going to stay at my mother's for the weekend. Friday, Saturday and Sunday in the country!

  Aren't you lucky!




本文关键字: 新概念英语第一册





