
2024-07-11 08:16:00来源:网络


  Lesson 61 A bad cold 重感冒

  Health is a kind of freedom and comes first of all.


  feel v. 感觉

  look v. 看(起来)

  must modal verb 必须

  call v. 叫,请

  doctor n. 医生

  telephone n. 电话

  remember v. 记得,记住

  mouth n. 嘴 open your mouth

  tongue n. 舌头 show me your tongue

  bad adj. 坏的,严重的 bad cold

  cold n. 感冒

  news n. 消息 [nju:z] [nu:z] good news

  They are looking at the blackboard.


  1 主语+不及物动词

  2 主系表结构,其中系动词(link-verb)包括be动词和感官动词。


  I feel happy.

  The food smells terrible.

  She looks sad.

  This tastes good.

  I feel ill.

  She feels ill.

  Do you feel ill?

  How do you feel?

  How does she feel?

  How does Jimmy feel?

  Jimmy looks ill. Jimmy is in bed. He feels ill. He doesn't feel ill. Does he feel ill? How does he feel?He looks ill.

  feel funny/ feel like (doing) free to do sth.

  look at the blackboard

  look 表示看的动作/ see 表示看的内容、结果/ watch 观看移动的东西/ observe 表示观察/ spot /sight/view 察看

  lose oneself at the first sight

  I lost myself at the first sight of my wife.

  sightsee/ scan/ glimpse 瞥一眼/ glance 匆匆看一眼/stare/ notice/ note 看到并记住

  look for 寻找/ look after照顾/ look forward to 希望/look down on(upon)

  call(s) a doctor

  doctor/ 江湖郎中/ healer 大夫/dentist 牙医/physician 内科医生/ surgeon 外科医生

  see a doctor/ see the dentist

  send for a doctor/ ask the doctor

  Jimmy feels ill today. He looks ill. You must see/call a doctor.

  Mrs. Williams must call a doctor.

  at the butcher's/at the doctor's

  middle school

  Jimmy is a middle school student. He is in bed now. He feels ill. He looks ill. Mrs. Williams is hismother. They must call the doctor. Now Jimmy is at the doctor's.

  retell/ recite/ repeat

  remember/ recall/ recollect/ remind 使想起/ review 复习

  When I recall sth. happened last year, …

  I like stamps collecting.

  I can't recollect what happened in past year.

  remember + 名词或代词

  I remember you.

  the doctor's telephone number

  I can remember the doctor's telephone number.

  Can you remember the doctor's telephone number?

  remember to do sth. 记得去做某事

  remember doing sth. 记得做了某事


  When you go by the post office, remember to post the letter.

  I remember posting the letter.

  remember sth.

  mouth [mauW]

  month [mQnW] n. 月

  mouse [maus] n.鼠,耗子

  tongue twister [5twistE] n. 绕口令/ mother tongue

  open your mouth/ show me your tongue /show your tongue to me

  bad/ ill/ evil




本文关键字: 新概念英语第一册





