新概念英语第四册笔记概要:Of Men and Galaxies(2)

2024-06-03 08:13:00来源:网络

  新概念英语第四册笔记概要:Of Men and Galaxies(2)已发布,欢迎大家查看。新概念英语第四册内容主要针对的是基础比较薄弱的同学,为了方便同学们可以更好地巩固英语基础,小编还整理了新概念英语第四册课文、新概念英语第四册音频相关内容,便于同学们一起学习!

  Notes on the text 课文注释

  1. Make a very poor show, 出丑。

  2. I stand alone, 仅我一人。

  3. The last creature to compete with man, 其中的last 有“极不可能”的意思。

  The Holy Office knew this full well when it causedheretics to be burned in

  days gone by. The

  Holy Office 是指罗马天主教的宗教法庭;full well 中的 full是副词,有 very 的意思;gone

  by 作 days 的定语,整个词组的意思是“过去的日子”。

  Must have been 表示猜测,推测! in the man’a days , phase :perisd ,estate

  I am sure that…

  Withour …I would make ….虚拟语气

  Make a very poor show 出洋相 make a fool of oneself 做傻事,出丑 make an exhibition


  oneself 当中出丑

  The ownership of a cave 一个洞穴的所有权 In this view ,I don’t stand alone;

  Stand alone 独立,孤立; I am alone in this point ; Stick in the back 放冷枪

  Competition between ourselves 人类内部的竞争; person against person 人与人之间的竞争;

  Community against community 群体与群体之间的竞争

  The survival of the fittest 适者生存\

  A fixed amount of food 固定量的食物, determined 作 food 的后置定语

  The physical environment 客观环境 Evolution ; development 进化 Mental outlook


  Similar latitude 相近的纬度 west coasts 西海岸;Similar climates 相似的气候

  California: highly advanced 高度发展 Morocco : highly backward;

  Not …..but …….转折;different thought in inhabitants: livers,residents

  The most important factor in our environment is the state of our own



  It is well known that …. Where 引导的从句都可以用 if 来引导,如

  Where there is a will ,there is a way , If there is a will….

  The most destructive effects 最具有破坏性的影响 westlization

  in this days gone by;in the past days ; in days to come;the insider can’t

  see the game .当局者迷

  looking on 观望 the outer sees most of the game .旁观者清

  I would like to …………假设语气Imagine the effect on ………

  One 指 society Effect of making it aware of the possibility of nuclear bomb

  ; it 代表 society.

  Turn upside down 完全颠倒

  I have often tried to conceive of what those pages might contain but of

  course do do becauseI

  am a prisoner of the present-day world ,just as all of you are



  Be conditioned to (by) 被约束 outside :beyond 超越 original 创新的

  Important Kownledge

  。。。。when you are inside a community you are conditioned by the conventions

  of the

  community to such a degree that it is very difficult to cou=nceive of

  anything reallydestructive .

  It is only someone looking on from ourside that can inject the dangerous


  2…… and then only I we are very original ,

  建议阅读:新概念英语Lesson 56 新概念英语Lesson 54

  关于林语堂:The enjoyment of culture

  Good taste in knowledge 知识方面的品味

  The development of good taste in kownledge 知识品位的培养

  Well-read 博学的

  Parrot 鹦鹉学舌者, a great man who have the hate and who have the love .

  Erudition 博学,学识 Discernment 洞察力,辨别力。 Scholar 学者,scholarship 奖学金

  Given :specific 特定的

  Bulldozev。蒙骗,威胁 adult life 成年时期。Patriotic

  Bogus 假的

  Paunch肠胃。Ambition 志向,aggressiveness,挑战性。 Sense of duty ,责任感。 Stinginess

  小气。Nonsense 废话 Awe 敬畏,over awed 别吓住

  以上就是为大家整理的“新概念英语第四册笔记概要:Of Men and Galaxies(2)”,,更多新概念英语的干货内容,欢迎访问新东方新概念英语课堂,查看新概念英语第四册答案、新概念英语第四册详解和新概念英语第四册听力可供参考。祝同学们学习新概念英语4顺利!



本文关键字: 新概念英语第四册





