
2023-09-27 21:52:00来源:网络


  The Candlelight Dinner


  Last week, my wife and I were in the mood for something different and special. We had been keeping ourselves wrapped up with work duties and daily chores that we hardly felt any warmth of togetherness. Both of us being ardent lovers of a peaceful and cozy ambiance, decided to set up a candlelight dinner at home, reminiscing those old golden days of courtship.

  The idea behind this special dinner was to rekindle our feelings and intimacy towards each other. The omnipresence of technology often makes you feel disconnected despite being seated next to each other. Such an intimate setting would allow us to disconnect from our virtual worlds and spend quality time while sharing some hearty laughs and healthy discussions.

  On that day, I returned from work early and began setting up our dining table. I plucked some fresh flowers from our backyard garden and placed them in a glass vase. This acted as our centerpiece. Then, I arranged our best cutlery and glassware. I lit up the candles and dimmed the room lights. Meanwhile, my wife with her culinary skills, prepared some delicious dishes; a sizzling steak with roasted potatoes, a creamy mushroom soup with garlic bread, and a heavenly chocolate lava cake for dessert.

  As soon as everything was ready, we sat across the table. The mesmerizing aroma filled the room and the flickering candlelight made it feel surreal. The dimly lit corners enhanced the intimate atmosphere.

  To start off, we had the mushroom soup with perfectly toasted garlic bread, and it tasted divine. The steak was cooked to perfection, precisely suiting our taste buds. The dessert was the highlight of our night – the lava cake melted in our mouths, leaving a bittersweet aftertaste. Sipping wine, we engaged in various discussions, ranging from our work life to our future dreams.

  I must say, the whole experience made us realize how important it is to make such gestures for your loved ones. Amidst all the hustle-bustle, taking out time for each other is essential. Just sitting in front of each other and talking with no interruption of mobile phones and televisions allows us a sneak peek into each other’s world.

  This candlelight dinner was a reminder of our love, devotion, and commitment to each other. It served as a bridge to connect, communicate, and to rekindle our bond. The exquisite meal combined with the heartfelt conversation turned out to be therapeutic for both of us.

  Looking at each other through the candlelight and enjoying our meal, it wasn't just about spending quality time, but about cherishing those moments of connection and love. The nostalgia created by this setup touched our hearts and revitalized our relationship.

  The story that began on that candlelit night did not end there. Rather, it became an impetus to relive our moments of joy and happiness, to find out time for each other amidst our packed schedules, and above all, to bring back the forgotten charm of an old school romance.

  As the night unfolded and the candles flickered, it was not just the food but the embraced silence between us that whispered sweet notes of adoration and affection. And, this is what made our candlelight dinner truly special and memorable.

  In conclusion, I would like to quote a piece of timeless wisdom - ""The most important thing in the world is not the place, but the people you are with."" Indeed, the candlelight dinner was not just about the food or the setting, it was all about 'us'.








