
2023-09-08 21:20:00来源:网络


  Lesson 33 ""Not for Jazz!""

  A few years ago, I visited the town where I was born. I went to see the house where I used to live. The house is an old, wooden one and stands on the edge of a lake. It was built by my grandfather about seventy years ago. Once it was a beautiful building, but now, it is in a terrible state. Its doors and windows are broken and its walls are full of holes. The garden is overgrown with weeds and the fence around it has fallen down in several places. In the centre of the garden, there is an old apple tree which is still bearing fruit. When I saw this, I thought of the many times I had climbed that tree as a boy and eaten its apples.

  I sat down under the tree thinking about the past. It was a beautiful, sunny day and I could hear the sound of jazz music coming from a building a short distance away. As I sat there listening to the music, I thought about how much the world has changed since I was a boy. The people of my generation did not listen to jazz. Our parents thought it was a bad influence on us and discouraged us from listening to it. But now, the music is everywhere and it’s impossible to avoid it. No matter where you go, you can hear it playing in the background. From cafes and restaurants to shops and malls, the sound of jazz can be heard.

  As I sat there reflecting on the changes that had taken place over the years, I realized how much the house and the music represented the changes in society. The house represented the traditional values and ways of life while the music represented the modern trends and influences. It seemed to me that the house and the music were at odds with each other. The house seemed to resist change while the music embraced it.

  I also realized that just like the house, the people of my generation were resistant to change. We were comfortable with the way things were and didn’t want to disrupt our lives by embracing new ideas and trends. But just like the music, the younger generation was eager to embrace change and explore new possibilities. They were enthusiastic about the new trends in music, fashion, technology and other aspects of contemporary life.

  As I reflected on these thoughts, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of nostalgia for the past. I missed the simplicity and tranquility of the life we once had. But at the same time, I was excited about the future and the potential it held. The world was changing and it was exciting to be part of it.

  In conclusion, my visit to my hometown made me reflect on the changes that have occurred in society over the years. It reminded me of the importance of adapting to changes and embracing the new opportunities that come with it. It also reminded me of the need to preserve our traditions and heritage while moving forward. As much as I loved hearing the sounds of jazz, I couldn’t help but wish that it wasn’t the only sound that filled the air in my hometown.








