
2023-07-06 12:04:19来源:新东方在线


  A: The first letter of the English alphabet is "A." It can be pronounced as a short sound like in the word "apple" or a long sound like in the word "acorn."

  A: 英语字母表的第一个字母是“A”。它可以发短元音,如单词“apple”,也可以发长元音,如单词“acorn”。

  B: The second letter is "B." It has a solid sound, like in the words "bat," "ball," and "bear."

  B: 第二个字母是“B”。它有一个坚实的音,比如在词语“bat”、“ball”和“bear”中的发音。

  C: The third letter is "C." It can have two different sounds. In words like "cat" and "car," it has a hard sound. In words like "city" and "circle," it has a soft sound.

  C: 第三个字母是“C”。它可以有两种不同的发音。在像“cat”和“car”这样的单词中,它有一个硬的发音。而在像“city”和“circle”这样的单词中,它有一个软的发音。

  D: The fourth letter is "D." It has a steady sound, like in the words "dog," "duck," and "door."

  D:第四个字母是D。它有着稳定的发音,例如在“dog”(狗)一词中,“duck”( duck)中,以及“door”(门)中。

  E: The fifth letter is "E." It can be pronounced as a short sound like in the word "egg" or a long sound like in the word "eagle."


  F: The sixth letter is "F." It has a flat sound, like in the words "fish," "frog," and "flower."


  G: The seventh letter is "G." It can have two different sounds. In words like "goat" and "gum," it has a hard sound. In words like "giant" and "gym," it has a soft sound.


  H: The eighth letter is "H." It has a breathy sound, like in the words "hat," "horse," and "house."

  第八个字母是 "H"。它有一个带气音的发音,就像在单词 "hat(帽子)"、"horse(马)" 和 "house(房子)" 中一样。

  I: The ninth letter is "I." It can be pronounced as a short sound like in the word "igloo" or a long sound like in the word "ice."

  第九个字母是 "I"。它可以发短音,如单词 "igloo(冰屋)" 中,也可以发长音,如单词 "ice(冰)" 中。

  J: The tenth letter is "J." It has a solid sound that is slightly softer than "G," like in the words "jump," "jelly," and "jar."

  第十个字母是 "J"。它的发音比 "G" 稍微柔和一些,就像在单词 "jump(跳)"、"jelly(果冻)" 和 "jar(罐子)" 中一样。

  K: The eleventh letter is "K." It has a sharp sound, like in the words "kite," "kangaroo," and "key."

  第十一个字母是 "K"。它的发音很尖锐,就像在单词 "kite(风筝)"、"kangaroo(袋鼠)" 和 "key(钥匙)" 中一样。

  L: The twelfth letter is "L." It has a light, smooth sound, like in the words "lion," "lamb," and "leaf."

  第十二个字母是 "L"。它的发音轻柔且流畅,就像在单词 "lion(狮子)"、"lamb(羔羊)" 和 "leaf(叶子)" 中一样。

  M: The thirteenth letter is "M." It has a strong sound, like in the words "monkey," "mouse," and "moon."

  第十三个字母是"M"。它有一个很强烈的发音,就像在 "monkey(猴子)"、"mouse(老鼠)" 和 "moon(月亮)"这些词中一样。

  N: The fourteenth letter is "N." It has a steady sound, like in the words "nose," "night," and "nut."

  第十四个字母是"N"。它有一个稳定的发音,就像在 "nose(鼻子)"、"night(夜晚)" 和 "nut(坚果)"这些词中一样。

  O: The fifteenth letter is "O." It can be pronounced as a short sound like in the word "octopus" or a long sound like in the word "open."

  第十五个字母是"O"。它可以发短音,如 "octopus(章鱼)"这个词里;也可以发长音,如 "open(打开)"这个词里。

  P: The sixteenth letter is "P." It has a strong, popping sound, like in the words "pig," "pen," and "pot."

  第十六个字母是"P"。它有一个强烈的、爆破的发音,就像在 "pig(猪)"、"pen(钢笔)" 和 "pot(锅)"这些词中一样。

  Q: The seventeenth letter is "Q." It is almost always followed by a "U" and has a "kw" sound, like in the words "queen," "quilt," and "question."

  第十七个字母是"Q"。它几乎总是跟着一个"U",并发出 "kw" 的发音,就像在 "queen(女王)"、"quilt(被子)" 和 "question(问题)"这些词中一样。

  R: The eighteenth letter is "R." It has a rolling sound, like in the words "rabbit," "rose," and "rain."


  S: The nineteenth letter is "S." It has a hissing sound, like in the words "snake," "sand," and "sun."

  S: 第十九个字母是“S”。它发出嘶嘶的声音,就像在单词“蛇”(snake)、“沙子”(sand)和“太阳”(sun)中一样。

  T: The twentieth letter is "T." It has a sharp, tapping sound, like in the words "turtle," "tea," and "tooth."

  T: 第二十个字母是“T”。它发出尖锐、敲击的声音,就像在单词“乌龟”(turtle)、“茶”(tea)和“牙齿”(tooth)中一样。

  U: The twenty-first letter is "U." It can be pronounced as a short sound like in the word "umbrella" or a long sound like in the word "unicorn."

  U: 第二十一个字母是“U”。它可以发音为类似单词“伞”(umbrella)中的短音,也可以发音为类似单词“独角兽”(unicorn)中的长音。

  V: The twenty-second letter is "V." It has a soft, buzzing sound, like in the words "violin," "van," and "vase."

  V:第二十二个字母是 "V"。它有一个柔和的嗡嗡声,如单词 "violin(小提琴)"、"van(货车)" 和 "vase(花瓶)" 中的发音。

  W: The twenty-third letter is "W." It has a round, blowing sound, like in the words "whale," "wind," and "water."

  W:第二十三个字母是 "W"。它有一个圆润的吹气声,如单词 "whale(鲸鱼)"、"wind(风)" 和 "water(水)" 中的发音。

  X: The twenty-fourth letter is "X." It can have two different sounds. In words like "box" and "fox," it has a "ks" sound. In words like "xylophone" and "xenophobic," it has a "z" sound.

  X:第二十四个字母是 "X"。它可以有两种不同的发音。在 "box(盒子)" 和 "fox(狐狸)" 等单词中,它发 "ks" 的音。在 "xylophone(木琴)" 和 "xenophobic(排外的)" 等单词中,它发 "z" 的音。

  Y: The twenty-fifth letter is "Y." It can function as both a vowel and a consonant. In words like "yellow," "yarn," and "young," it has a solid sound. In words like "sky" and "why," it acts as a vowel.

  Y:第二十五个字母是 "Y"。它既可以作为元音也可以作为辅音。在 "yellow(黄色)"、"yarn(纱线)" 和 "young(年轻)" 等单词中,它有一个扎实的发音。在 "sky(天空)" 和 "why(为什么)" 等单词中,它充当元音。

  Z: The twenty-sixth and final letter is "Z." It has a buzzing sound, like in the words "zebra," "zoo," and "zipper."

  Z:第二十六个字母也是最后一个字母是 "Z"。它有一个嗡嗡的声音,就像在 "zebra(斑马)"、"zoo(动物园)" 和 "zipper(拉链)" 这些词中的发音。

  Now you know all 26 letters of the English alphabet! Practice by reciting them in order and associating each letter with words and sounds.


本文关键字: 英语26个字母学习





