初中英语作文:I should be remembered

2023-01-11 08:14:00来源:网络

  如何提高初中英语能力?新概念2适合初中英语升高中,新概念这套书有一个很大的特点,就是非常适合培养孩子的英语综合能力,每一课都包含词汇句型知识,语法知识,写作练习等等。论英语综合能力的培养,新概念确实能秒杀很多教材,而且关键是,这套教材非常的系统,而且和课内的应试结合得非常紧密。下面为大家分享文章“初中英语作文:I should be remembered“。

  Garcia marquez once wrote in the one hundred years of solitude: "memory is a no return road, past all spring can't recover."But I have memories, but not necessarily want to go back to the past.I think I have the memory that I remember.Early in the morning, with the inclusion of smoke in the air, like the light, like a sword to through the smoke.Under the reflection of glass caught my eye.It is like mother's hand gently, I opened my eyes.Get up with the jiao qi, I can see the parts of the world.Gently opened the curtains and the sunlight as radiant light instant light up my world.I was conceived in the radiant light of the world, any dance, arbitrary intoxicated.This time I can see the world, I can see the birds in the bushes to play, I can see the clear stream in a hurry flow to go forward, I can see there are many, many.These things under the sun yi yi is unripe brightness, but the memory is so clear.So I want to, I should remember is that the warmth of sunshine.I always like in the autumn night blowing cool wind alone, I always like to use the footsteps of light through the noisy bazaars, yellow flowers bloom in the beaten path, occasionally a look blue sky, where is hoping to find used to belong to his share of the peace.But the blue sky is so strange.But I believe in busy streets will be found in the penetrative pedestrians that a quiet in the hustle and bustle.This is probably what I desire and expected once memories.So I want to, I should remember is that a quiet in the hustle and bustle.Time always slowly flow, and memory is always over time and become more and more weak, but I should be remembered, and I have will be deeply engraved on my mind, never die...

  以上就是为大家分享的文章:“初中英语作文:I should be remembered“,希望对大家的初中英语学习能力提高有所帮助。

本文关键字: 初中英语作文





