
2024-07-22 08:17:00来源:网络



  bath n. 洗澡

  nearly adv. 几乎,将近

  ready adj. 准备好的,完好的

  dinner n. 正餐,晚餐

  roast adj. 烤的

  have a bath/take a shower

  原形 have

  第三人称单数 has

  过去时 had

  现在进行时 having

  I have a bath every day.

  My brother has a bath every day.

  I had a bath yesterday.

  He is having a bath.

  Tom is having a bath upstairs.

  I want to have a bath.

  I want you to have a bath.

  My father wants to have a bath.

  My father wants my brother to have a bath.

  The dinner is ready?

  Is the dinner ready?

  It's ready.

  It's nearly ready.

  be ready to do sth.

  Leifeng is always ready to help others.

  Are you ready?


  saute/boil 煮/steam 蒸/fry 煎/deep fry 炸/roast 烤(土豆)/bake 烤(面包)/grill 烧烤/instant boil 涮

  What is Tom doing?

  He is having a bath.

  What is Carol doing?

  She is cooking dinner.

  Who is Sam?

  Sam is Tom's friend.

  What did Sam and Tom do this afternoon?

  Where did they go?

  Sam/downstairs/in Tom's living room

  What does Tom ask Sam to do when Tom sees Sam?


  What else does Tom ask Sam to do?

  Have a glass of whisky.

  Does Sam want to have a glass of whisky?

  What did they do this noon?

  They had lunch together.

  Where did they go?

  They went to a restaurant.

  What did they have?

  They had roast beef and potatoes.

  What is Carol cooking?

  Roast beef and potatoes, too.

  Is Carol very happy?

  No, she is a litter bit disappointed.

  Tom's having a bath upstairs.

  Carol is cooking in the kitchen.

  Sam is their friend.

  He is their living room.

  Tom asks Sam to have a cigarette.

  But Sam doesn't want to have a cigarette/smoke.

  Tom wants Sam to have a glass of whisky.

  Sam thinks that it's a good idea.

  They can have dinner at 7 o'clock.

  They are going to have roast beef and potatoes.

  But Sam and Tom had lunch together this noon.

  They went to a restaurant.

  They had roast beef and potatoes.

  Carol feels very disappointed.


  Hi, Carol!

  Where's Tom?

  He's upstairs.

  He's having a bath.



  Sam's here.

  I'm nearly ready.

  Hello, Sam.

  Have a cigarette. ->have/smoke

  No, thanks, Tom.

  Have a glass of whisky then. ->have/drink

  OK. Thanks.

  Is dinner ready, Carol?

  It's nearly ready.

  We can have dinner at seven o'clock.

  Sam and I had lunch together today. We went to a restaurant.

  What did you have?

  We had roast beef and potatoes.


  What's the matter, Carol?

  Well, you're going to have roast beef and potatoes again tonight!




本文关键字: 新概念英语第一册





