
2023-10-18 09:06:06来源:网络
You don't have to work on Wall Street to earn a fat paycheck. Several lesser-known jobs, including physician assistant and special agent, have a median annual salary of $100,000 or more, according to a new Glassdoor report.

你不一定非要在华尔街工作才能赢得高薪。据Glassdoor最新报告显示,像医师助理、特工等一些鲜为人知的工作,其平均年薪可达10万+(美元)。 The jobs search site examined hundreds of thousands of compensation reports from U.S.-based employees over the past two years. It identified the following 11 jobs where you can earn a six-figure salary. 这家职位搜索网站调查了过去两年来成千上万美国员工的薪酬报告,并确认了以下11份能够拿到六位数年薪的工作。 Reservoir engineer--Median annual salary: $143,000

油藏工程师--平均年薪:14.3万美元 Reservoir engineers attempt to "extract the maximum amount of energy without over-tapping the reservoir," the Glassdoor report says. "In order to fill this role, professionals need a degree in chemical engineering plus experience in a field that is highly technical and nuanced."

Glassdoor报告指出,油藏工程师的工作是努力“在不超采的情况下限度提取能源”。为了胜任这个职位,专业人员需要化学工程学位以及在高技术和能辨别细微差别的领域具有足够的工作经验。 Software architect--Median annual salary: $139,000

软件架构师--平均年薪:13.9万美元 If you like to code, you're in luck. These tech-savvy workers make big bucks, and there is high demand for the profession, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Most need a bachelor's degree in math or software engineering and should know how to work well with others.

如果你热爱编程,那么你走运了。据美国劳工统计局称,那些精通科技的员工都挣了大钱,而且目前对该领域专业人才的需求非常大。他们大多需要数学或软件工程的学士学位,并且要懂得如何与他人良好合作。 Airline pilot--Median annual salary: $134,000

航空公司飞行员--平均年薪:13.4万美元 Pilots "need to be seasoned managers and savvy communicators who are comfortable with a non-standard schedule," the report says. Commercial pilots usually have a bachelor's degree, an Airline Transport Pilot certification and a commercial pilot's license from the Federal Aviation Administration.

该报告指出,飞行员“需要的是一名经验丰富的管理者,懂得沟通,并且能够适应非标准工作时间”。民航飞行员通常都有学士学位、飞行员资格证以及联邦航空管理局颁发的民航驾驶执照。 Dentist--Median annual salary: $129,968

牙医--平均年薪:12.9968万美元 Before getting licensed, candidates need to have an undergraduate degree in pre-dentistry or another scientific field, score well on the Dental Acceptance Test and complete a doctoral degree in dental surgery or dental medicine.

在取得从业资格证之前,应试者需取得牙医预科或其他科学领域的学士学位,在牙医入学考试取得优异成绩,并获得口腔外科或牙科药学的博士学位。 Special agent--Median annual salary: $125,000

特工--平均年薪:12.5万美元 It's not just a job for movie actors. Being a special agent is a high-adrenaline job you could land for a government organization like the FBI or for a private company. Candidates usually have a law enforcement background or military experience along with an undergraduate degree in criminal justice. Nontraditional and on-call hours are part of the game. 这并不是只在电影中存在的职业。特工是项非常刺激的工作,你可以为比如联邦调查局这样的政府组织效力,或者你也可以为私人公司效力。候选者通常有执法背景或军事经历,另外还要有刑事审判学士学位。非传统工时以及随时待命是这份工作的要求之一。 Geophysicist--Median annual salary: $119,380

地球物理学者--平均年薪:11.938万美元 If you've always been interested in nature, this job could be for you. Geophysicists use seismic, electrical and magnetic tools to study the Earth. 假如你一向对自然兴趣浓厚,这份工作很可能适合你。地球物理学者运用震测、电气科学以及地磁科学工具来研究地球。 Drilling engineer--Median annual salary: $116,500

钻井工程师--平均年薪:11.65万美元 Drilling engineers can have a lucrative career in oil, gas or water drilling. The job requires a bachelor of science degree in petroleum or mechanical engineering. Candidates should be great communicators and have experience in the field. 钻井工程师可以在石油、天然气或水资源钻探领域找到高薪工作。这份工作要求有石油或机械工程方面的理学学士学位。候选人应善于沟通并在该领域有工作经验。 Regional sales executive--Median annual salary: $103,500

区域销售主管--平均年薪:10.35万美元 These professionals oversee regional operations and sales for their company. "Regional sales executives are stellar communicators with a knack for spotting opportunities," the report says. "They are always looking to grow their business and expand their customer base." 这些专业人才负责他们公司在某个区域内的运营和销售。报告指出:“区域销售主管是一流的沟通者,并且有着发现销售机会的卓越能力。他们无时无刻不在寻求增长业务和扩展客户基础的机会。” Nurse practitioner--Median annual salary: $101,600

护理师--平均年薪:10.16美元 If eight years of medical school deterred you from becoming a doctor, then you may want to look into becoming a nurse practitioner. Nurse practitioners are qualified to perform physical exams, treat common injuries and illness and prescribe some medications. They have at least a master's degree in nursing, and some individual states may require additional certifications. 如果八年的医学院生涯打消了你做医生的念头,那么不妨考虑做个护理师。护理师有资格进行健康体检、处理常规外伤和疾病,并且能够开些处方药。他们至少要获得护理专业的硕士学位,美国有些州可能还需要其他资格证。 Physician assistant--Median annual salary: $100,392

医师助理--平均年薪:10.0392万美元 A physician assistant works under the supervision of a physician to provide medical and surgical services. Unlike doctors, a physician assistant does not have to specialize in one area of medicine and has significantly lower education requirements — a master's degree or equivalent. Demand for physician assistants is high in rural areas in the U.S. that face a shortage of doctors. 医师助理在医师的监督下提供医疗和外科手术服务。和医生不同,医师助理不需要在某个领域有专门研究,对学历的要求也低很多--硕士学位或等同学历即可。美国农村由于缺乏医生,对医师助理的需求量非常大。 Equity research associate--Median annual salary: $100,000

股票研究助理--平均年薪:10万美元 Equity research associates analyze and report on financial trends using complex models. "While the position incorporates much of the excitement and rewards of investment banking, it is less demanding as much of the workload involves generating information," the report says. Top candidates typically have a bachelor's degree in finance, economics or a similar field. 股票研究助理利用综合模型分析经济形势并作报告。报告指出:“一方面,这个职位包含了投资银行所需要的激情和薪酬,另一方面它的大部分工作涉及到生成信息,因而需求量并不大。”优秀候选者通常在财务、经济或类似领域获得学士学位。

(新东方在线 - 新概念英语课程体验)

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