自学新概念英语第三册必会单词:Lesson 34

2018-07-19 15:45:00来源:网络

  ■rarity n. 稀世珍品

  ■assorted adj. 各式各样的

  various 无效s mixed together

  assorted/ different / various / diverse

  different 强调此事物与彼事物完全不同

  Eg: The word glare is different from that word slare.

  various = all kinds of 强调种类数目不同

  Eg: We have got various books.

  in every part / all parts / various parts of the world

  diverse 强调性质不同

  We have got diverse opinion.

  assorted : various 无效s mixed together. 各种各样的

  assorted chocolates

  He bought a bag of assorted fruits.

  ■junk n. 破料货,废品

  表示“垃圾”的词汇: rubbish / garbage / trash / junk

  ■litter v. 杂乱地布满

  ■dedicated adj. 专心致志的

  ■bargain hunter 到处找便宜货买的人

  ■dealer v. 商人

  businessman / trader / merchant / tradesman

  dealer "商人"侧重于零售,相当于tradesman.

  peddler 小贩

  ■cherish v. 期望,渴望

  entertain or keep hope, love etc. in mind deeply

  Eg: She cherishes the hope that her son will return.

  Don't cherish such illusion

  don't cherish such illusion that…… 别抱有……的幻想

  Eg: Don't cherish the illusion that your father will always pay your debts.

  ■amply adv. 足够地

  ample/enough / sufficient / adequate

  enough : 数量,程度足够 (可放在名词前或后)

  ample : 充足而有余的

  sufficent 比enough 正式,且只能放在名词前面

  The bread is just enough for one meal.

  He is old enough to go to the party.

  We have sufficient food to last one week.

  We have enough food / food enough to last oneweek.

  sufficiently 只放在被修饰词前

  old enough / sufficiently old

  adequate 数量和质量上的满足

  The performance is adequate.

  Don’t be worried. They have gotten ample time.

  ample / adequate / sufficient / enough

  Whatever you do, you must put your heart into it. And then, someday you will be rewardedamply.

  ■masterpiece n. 杰作

  ■mere adj. 仅仅的

  ■prise v. 撬开

  ■carve v. 镌刻

  ■dagger n. 短剑,匕首

  ■miniature adj. 小巧的,小型的

  ■Composition n. 构图








