新概念第三册Lesson 31 A lovable eccentric必背单词

2016-10-11 14:13:05来源:网络

  ■shrewd adj. 精明的

  shrewed: showing good practical judgement 精明的,狡滑的,敏锐的,机灵的

  He is a shrewed observer.

  We have got shrewed common sense.

  Sb. is shrewed. == He has good judgement.

  shrewed brained

  shrewed headed 头脑机灵的

  shrewed looking 看起来机灵的

  L31-02 end 11’26”

  L31-03 begin 11’00”

  cunning: clever at deceiving 善于歉骗的

  sly 用更隐秘的办法来达到目的

  a sly old fox

  ■eccentricity n. 怪僻

  ■legendary adj. 传奇般的

  ■snob n. 诌上欺下的人

  ■intensely adv. 强烈地

  intense adj. very strong ; violent; extreme; sharp; etc.

  intense cold 严寒

  intense heat 酷暑

  intense discussion 激烈的讨论

  intensify vt. 使增强

  You must intensify your sense of responsibility.你必须加强责任感。

  intensity n.

  Losing jobs are growing in intensity.

  sth are growing in intensity ……(某种程度)在加强

  Eg: Losing jobs are growing in intensity.

  ■bedraggled adj 拖泥带水的

  ■dump v. 把……砰的一声抛下

  ■reprimand v. 训斥

  reprimand: scold officially and severely

  blame 责备(语气程度很弱)

  Eg.: The teacher blamed him for his coming late.

  scold 斥责(语气稍重一点)

  Don’t scold me for a trifle.

  reproach 斥责 (语气最严重)

  He often reproached his children.

  reprimand: scold officially and severely

  The boss reprimanded his employees severely.

  ■apologetic adj. 道歉的

  apologize v.

  He apologized to his boss.

  The boss apologized to his employees.

  He was apologetic. 他致以歉意

  apology n. 歉意

  make apology to sb. for sth.

  ■stage v. 暗中策划

  He stage a joke.

  ■elaborate adj. 精心构思的

  elaborate == carefully worked out

  an elaborate design 精心的设计

  elaborate vt.

  He elaborated a system of computer.







