
2019-02-14 15:40:08来源:网络

  新东方在线新概念小编为大家带来新概念英语第三册重点句型解析一文,希望对大家的新概念英语学习有所帮助。更多精彩尽请关注新东方在线新概念英语学习网(http://nce.koolearn.com )!

   1 更多推荐:新概念英语第三册重点句型解析(汇总)

  1、How did the archaeologists knowthat the statue was a goddess?

  Some time ago, an interestingdiscovery was made by archaeologists on theAegeanisland of Kea.

  some time 1>经过若干时间 2>在未来的某时

  sometime adv.在某一时候,曾经, 有一天

  sometimes adv.不时, 有时中文习惯用主动语态。


  An American team explored a temple which standsin an ancient city on the promontory of Ayia Irini.

  which引导定语从句,修饰限定temple。(which = that)

  stand(不及物) = lie(不及物) 位于

  =situate(及物) 使位于, 使处于

  =locate(及物) 使...坐落于, 位于

  whichstands in... = which lies in… = which is located in… = which is situated in... Stand 1>身高 2>表示高高坐落于, 矗立于

  -- She stands 1.75m. 她身高1.75 米

  --Agreattree stands on the mount. 一棵大树竖立在山上。

  2、The city at one time must havebeen prosperous,forit enjoyed a high level of civilization.


  because 引导原因状语从句:强调原因。

  --The daybroke for the birds weresinging.

  at one time 表达曾经,一度(过去时态的标志, = once)

  must have been 对过去事实肯定的推测

  enjoyed a high level of civilization 享有高度文明

  3、Houses -- often three storeys high -- were built of stone.They had large rooms with beautifully decorated walls.

  With… 具有…

  -- a young manwith broad shoulders / an old lady with black hairbeautifullydecorated过去分词做定语

  -- a beautifullydressed lady衣着漂亮的女士

  -- a deserted car park 废弃的停车场

  -- a whitepainted door 被刷成白色的门

  现在分词做定语, 被修饰词与修饰词之间为逻辑主动关系

  -- a boyclimbing the tree 正在爬树的男孩

  -- the students reading in the room正在房间里读书的学生

  4、The city was equipped with a drainage system, fora great many clay pipes were found beneath the narrow streets.

  be equipped with 配备, 装备 (equip vt.装备, 配备)

  air conditioning 空气调节装置 / airconditioner 空气调节机, 空调设备

  --The car wasequipped with air conditioning.for引导原因状语从句

  在正下方:Beneath = under

  -- beneath the narrowstreets = under the narrowstreets

  -- He is standing under/beneath the umbrella.


  -- under control 控制之中 / under discussion 讨论之中 / underrepairs 修理之中


  -- She is sitting belowthe window

  5、The temple which the archaeologists explored was used as a place of worship from the fifteenth century B.C. until Roman times.

  be used as / be used to be 把…用作为

  --The box was used as a desk in the small village school.

  --The woodenbox was used as a bookcase.

  be used to do 被用来做…

  --The woodenbox is used to contain books

  6、In the most sacred room of temple, clay fragments of fifteen statues were found.Each of these representeda goddess and had, at one time, been painted.

  represent vt.代表

  -- I represent all the classmates.







