
2024-02-07 10:34:00来源:网络

  男子痴迷画中美人,妻子吃醋将画偷来鉴宝,专家打开画卷后,却皱起了眉头,并问女子:“你可知这画中美女是谁?”A man was obsessed with a painting of a beautiful woman, making his wife jealous. She secretly took the painting to an antique appraisal show, and when the experts unrolled the painting, they frowned and asked her, "Do you know who the woman in this painting is?"

  这名男子姓杨,和自己的老婆结婚不久,平时就喜欢花一点小钱来收藏一些古玩,他的老婆不懂这些,虽然心里略有不满,但也没说过什么。但是这次杨先生从古玩市场淘回了一幅画,这幅画的来历可不简单。The man, surnamed Yang, had recently married and enjoyed spending money on collecting antiques. His wife, though somewhat resentful, had never said anything about it. However, this time, Mr. Yang brought back a painting with an extraordinary background.杨先生是几经周折才用4万元买下了这幅画。知道了这幅画的价格后,杨先生的妻子可是非常的不乐意了,因为对于一个普通家庭来说,4万元可以做很多事情的。After much effort, he had purchased the painting for 40,000 yuan. Upon learning the price, his wife was extremely displeased, as this amount could have been used for many other things in an ordinary household. 更重要的是,自从买回那幅画后,杨先生就茶不思饭不想,每天就是拿着放大镜在不停地观察着那幅画,有的时候离得近的甚至像是要亲上去了一样。因为这幅画,杨先生都很少和自己的妻子逛街吃饭,对妻子的关心日渐减少,杨先生的妻子受不了一个画竟然破坏了自己的夫妻感情。Moreover, since acquiring the painting, Mr. Yang had become completely absorbed in it, neglecting his wife and their usual activities.为此,杨先生的妻子和他吵过很多次架,但是杨先生从来不改,像是灵魂被吸走了一样,每天只顾着要研究这幅画。杨先生的妻子不想让杨先生继续痴迷下去,从而破坏了一整个家庭。无奈之下,杨先生的妻子只能趁丈夫不在家,偷偷拿着这幅画上了鉴宝节目,她说:“我倒要看看是什么样的宝物,能让我的丈夫如此的痴迷!同时,我也想要了解这幅画更多一点让我和我的老公能有一些共同话题。”His wife couldn't bear his obsession, and despite many arguments, Mr. Yang remained unchanged, seemingly consumed by the painting. Fearing the impact on their family, she decided to take the painting to an antique appraisal show, wanting to understand its significance and, perhaps, find a common interest with her husband.杨先生的妻子还说:“我怕他几万元买了一幅假画,让他伤心,所以想拿到鉴宝的节目上来询问一下。”听了这些,在场的人都为杨先生的妻子对杨先生的爱而感动。

  一番简单的介绍后,这位妇女当即就打开了画卷,那一瞬间,在场的不论是专家还是观众都震惊了,因为只要是有一些古物知识的人都知道这幅画可不是俗物。’The experts immediately recognized the painting as a portrait of Princess Wencheng, a significant historical figure. They marveled at its exquisite craftsmanship and unique style, clearly the work of a master.


  于是,他们调侃道:“别说是你丈夫了,就是我们,得了这幅画也会茶不思饭不想的。”这位妇女听了大为震惊,专家们接着又说:“难道你没看到画上写着文成公主四个字吗?”谁知,这位妇女竟然说:“我又不认识字,我哪里又知道这是文成公主的画像……”对于妇女说自己不识字,专家们有些不太相信,但还是耐着性子给她普及了一下关于文成公主的故事。The wife's revelation shocked everyone. When the experts pointed out the inscription identifying the subject as Princess Wencheng, she confessed that she couldn't read. The experts patiently shared the story of Princess Wencheng, a remarkable woman who had brought peace to the Tang Dynasty through a political marriage.文成公主是一位伟大的女性,用自己的和亲换来了唐朝边境几十年的和平。她也是封建王朝的一位苦命的女子,并不是当朝皇帝的直系血亲,而是李唐宗室中的一个旁支的女子。


  在专家的进一步鉴定之后,发现这是杨之光的真迹。杨之光是我国著名的美术家、美术教育家,他的画非常具有收藏价值。更重要的是,画上的文成公主正值妙龄,风姿万千。Further examination confirmed the painting as an authentic work by Yang Zhiguang, a renowned Chinese artist and educator. Its value was substantial, and offers to purchase it were promptly made, but the wife refused. Relieved that it was genuine, she remarked that as long as it hadn't caused a loss, she was content. 然后,当场就有人请求这位妇人把画卖给他,甚至开出了十几万的高价,但直接被妇女拒绝了。了解到这一幅画这么值钱,这位妇人立刻喜笑颜开说道:“只要没赔钱就好!幸好是真的,要不然我怕他发现自己的买了一幅假画而伤心。”然后,专家们就对这幅画做了一个简单的点评:这幅画笔触非常的细腻,从画中的每一个地方都能看出作者的用心和基本功的扎实,他对文成公主的理解非常的到位,一位为了国家而远嫁吐蕃的苦命贵族女子。在这幅画中,画家运用的颜色也非常的和谐,将一位贵族女子的优雅和大方展现得淋漓尽致。但随后专家的一席话,直接让女子的脸色变了,专家告诉她,由于这幅画的价值比较高,他们建议把这幅画上交给国家。话音未落,女子就说:“我再考虑考虑。”随后,她直接走到专家的桌前,把自己的那幅画小心收起,接着便慌忙离开了舞台。However, when the experts suggested turning it over to the state due to its value, she hesitated and then swiftly retrieved the painting and left the stage in a hurry.

本文关键字: 新概念英语





