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  Lesson 93 A noble gift

  【New words and expressions】(13)

  noble adj. 高尚的,壮丽的

  monument n. 纪念碑

  statue n. 雕像

  liberty n. 自由

  present v. 赠送

  sculptor n. 雕刻家

  actual adj. 实际的,真实的

  copper n. 铜

  support v. 支持,支撑

  framework n. 构架,框架

  transport v. 运送

  site n. 场地

  pedestal n. 底座

  ★support v. 支持,支撑

  ① vt. 支持,支撑(某个具体东西)

  The actual figure was supported by a metal framework.

  Feeling weak, she supported herself against a desk and rested for a short time.

  ② vt. 拥护,赞成,支持(人、想法等)

  He made the right decision. Unfortunately, nobody supported him.

  I supported his opinion that another bridge should be built over the river.

  ③ vt. 抚养,供养,赡养

  You need a high income these days to support a large family.

  My son can support himself now.


  One of the most famous monuments in the world, the Statue of Liberty, was presented to the United States of America in the nineteenth century by the people of France. The great statue, which was designed by the sculptor Auguste Bartholdi, took ten years to complete. The actual figure was made of copper supported by a metal framework which had been especially constructed by Eiffel. Before it could be transported to the United States, a site had to be found for it and a pedestal had to be built. The site chosen was an island at the entrance of New York Harbour. By 1884, a statue which was 151 feet tall had been erected in Paris. The following year, it was taken to pieces and sent to America. By the end of October 1886, the statue had been put together again and it was officially presented to the American people by Bartholdi. Ever since then, the great monument has been a symbol of liberty for the millions of people who have passed through New York Harbour to make their homes in America.




  1、One of the most famous monuments in the world, the Statue of Liberty, was presented to the United States of America in the nineteenth century by the people of France.

  the Statue of Liberty 自由女神像

  the people指某个国家的人民;指复数的“人们”时通常不加the:

  A lot of /Few people went to their wedding.

  2、The following year, it was taken to pieces and sent to America.

  take…to pieces 把……拆卸开/拆散

  This machine is too large to be transported in whole. It has to be taken to pieces first.

  3、By the end of October 1886, the statue had been put together again and it was officially presented to the American people by Bartholdi.

  put…together 把……装配起来(take…to piece的反义词)

  I can’t put the broken vase together. 我无法把那打碎的花瓶重新拼起来。

  4、Ever since then, the great monument has been a symbol of liberty for the millions of people who have passed through New York Harbour to make their homes in America.

  ever since then 从那以后

  make one’s home in… 在……安家落户

  Ian (has) left England and made his home in China.

  【Special Difficulties】



  accent [Ak5sent] v. 重读 [5AksEnt] n. 重音,

  conduct [kEn5dQkt] v. 指挥;导电 [5kCndQkt] n. 行为,

  conflict [kEn5flikt] v. 冲突 [5kCnflikt] n. 冲突,

  contest [kEn5test] v. 争夺,竞争 [5kCntest] n. 比赛 ,

  contrast [`kCn5trB:,st] v. 形成对比 [`kCntrB:,st] n. 对比,

  export [ik5spC:t] v. 输出,出口 [5ekspC:t] n. 出口,

  increase [in5kri:s] v. 增加 [5inkri:s] n. 增加,

  insult [in5sQlt] v. 侮辱 [5insQlt] n. 侮辱,

  present [pri5zent] v. 赠送 [5prizent] n. 礼物,

  product [prC5dju:s] v. 生产 [5prCdju:s] n. 农产品,

  protest [prE5test] v. 抗议 [5prEtest] n. 抗议,

  record [re5kC:d] v. 记录,录音 [5rekC:d] n. 记录,唱片,

  refuse [ri5fju:z] v. 拒绝 [5rifju:z] n. 垃圾,

  transport [trAns5pC:t] v. 运输,运送 [5trAnspC:t] n. 运输




本文关键字: 新概念英语二册 新概念





