新概念英语3学习笔记Lesson 26

2021-06-13 16:43:00来源:网络

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  New words and expression 生词和短语

  Influence v.影响 (=have effect on)

  -- Literature and art have great influence on people’s ideology.


  -- ideology n.思想体系, 意识形态, 思想方式

  -- Don’t influenced by bad examples. 不要受这些坏事的影响。

  Under the influence of… 受…的影响

  -- We are under the influence of advertisement.

  Have influence over sb. 有左右某人的能力

  -- A teacher has influence over his students.

  Exercise influence on sb’s behalf

  exercise vt.发挥, 实[履]行, 运用, 行使

  on sb.‘s behalf 为了某人的利益, 代表某人

  behalf n.利益

  -- What others think exercises great influence on most of us.


  -- The boss exercises influence on employee’s behalf.

  Influence / affect的区别:

  influence 指“通过说服、举例等对行动、思想、性格等产生不易觉察到的,潜移默化的影响”

  affect 指“产生的影响之大足以引起反应”,着重“影响”的动作, 有时含有“对...产生不利影响”的意思。

  The bad examples will affect a lot number of students.

  Influential adj.有影响的, 有势力的

  Pride v.骄傲 (proud adj.自豪的, 得意的, 骄傲的)

  pride oneself on(upon)… 为…而感到骄傲

  -- He prided himself on his driving skill.

  take pride in… 以...为傲

  be proud of… 以...为荣, 以...自豪

  pride n.自豪, 自尊(心), 骄傲, 傲慢

  in the pride of 处于最佳状态, 处于全盛时期

  -- She is still young and in the pride of her beauty.

  put one‘s pride in one‘s pocket 忍辱含垢, 抑制自尊心

  Taste n.鉴赏力

  -- She has excellent taste in dress.

  a taste of 尝一口, 尝一点

  -- Oh, let me have a taste of your coffee.

  in good taste 得体, 大方

  -- The beautiful girl is in good taste.

  In bad taste 粗俗, 不礼貌

  taste of 有什么的味道

  -- The dish taste of fish. 这道菜有鱼腥味。

  to one’s taste 合某人的口味, 称某人的心愿

  -- He did what he wanted to do to his taste.

  There is accounting for taste. 【谚】人各有所好。

  He who has never tasted bitter knows not what is sweet. 不知黄连苦, 哪知蜂蜜甜。

  -- Bitter adj.有苦味的, 苦的, 痛苦的

  testable adj.(=tasteable)可尝的, 滋味好的

  tasteful adj.有鉴赏力的

  tasteless adj.没味道的, 无鉴赏力的

  taste blindness n.味盲

  taste marker 时尚的首创者

  Exert v.施加

  Exert sth on sb

  -- His wife exerted a lot pressure on him to change his job.

  -- He likes to exert his authority on us.

  Exert oneself to do sth. 努力, 尽力, 出力

  -- He never exert himself to study hard.

  exert every effect 尽一切努力

  exertion n.尽力, 努力, 发挥 n.行使, 运用

  Subtle adj.微妙的, 难以捉摸的(敏感的, 敏锐的)

  -- He is a subtle observer. 他是一个敏锐的观察家。

  Subtly adv.敏锐[感]的, 有辨别力的, 微妙的

  Subtlety=Subtleness n.微妙, 明敏, 聪明

  Advertiser n.做广告的人

  Advertise v.做广告, 登广告

  Advertisement n.广告

  Advertising n.广告业, 广告 adj.广告的

  Classify v.分类

  -- The books are classified according to the subject. 这些书已经按学科分类了。

  -- subject n.题目, 主题, 科目, 学科

  classification n.分类, 分级, 分类法

  classified adj.分类的 adj.机密的

  classifiable adj.可分类的

  classifier n.分类者,分类器

  Magic adj.有奇妙作用的

  Sample n.样品

  Devise v.设计, 想出

  Capture v.吸引, 赢得

  -- His wonderful performance captured my attention.

  Capture vt.俘获, 捕获, 夺取

  -- The police capture the two thieves.

  Manufacturer n.生产厂家, 制造商

  Wheelbarrow n.独轮手推车

  Boot n.(汽车尾部的)行李箱

  Ingredient n.配料

  Crane n.起重机

  Anticipate v.预期, 预料

  Anticipate vt.占先, 抢先, 预料到, 预先做准备

  -- Our attack failed because the enemy anticipated.

  我们的进攻失败了, 因为敌人预先做了准备。

  -- We anticipated the enemy would try to cross the river, so we decided to destroy the bridge.

  我们预料到敌人会通过这条河, 所以我们决定把桥摧毁。

  以上就是新东方在线新概念英语学习网为你带来的新概念英语3学习笔记Lesson 26,更多精彩内容。敬请关注新东方在线新概念英语学习网(http://nce.koolearn.com)。



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