新概念英语3学习笔记Lesson 21

2021-06-12 16:43:00来源:网络

  新东方在线新概念小编为大家带来新概念英语3学习笔记Lesson 21一文,希望对大家的新概念英语学习有所帮助。更多精彩尽请关注新东方在线新概念英语学习网(http://nce.koolearn.com )!

  New words and expression 生词和短语

  Boxing? n.拳击

  Boxer n.拳击手

  Bare adj.赤裸的(=uncovered adj.无盖的)

  Fisted adj.握成拳头的

  bare fist=bare fisted adj.赤手空拳的 adv.赤手空拳地

  bare foot=barefooted adj.光着脚的 adv.未戴帽地

  barehanded(adj.赤手空拳的) barelegged(adj.露腿的 adv.光着腿的)

  bare-necked(adj.露出脖子的) bareheaded(adj.不戴帽子的)

  naked adj.全裸, 赤裸的, 裸体的

  -- He‘s walking in bare feet. 他光着双脚走路。

  -- He is naked.=he has nothing no 他什么也没穿。

  Nude adj.裸体的, 光秃秃的 n.裸体画, 裸体, 裸体雕像

  -- Nudes are art. 裸体画是一种艺术。

  prizefighter? n.职业拳击手(尤指古时赤手拳击手)

  crude adj.粗野的

  be crude to somebody

  -- He is crude to the girl.

  Rude adj.粗鲁的, 无礼的(比crude的语气要弱)

  Marquis n.侯爵

  Technically adv.严格根据法律意义地

  Science n.科学

  Popularity n.名望(n.普及, 流行, 声望)

  in popularity 受欢迎的

  -- Instant adj.立即的, 即时的, (食品)速溶的, 方便的

  -- Instant foods are getting in popularity.

  -- Popular songs are in popularity.

  Popular adj.通俗的, 流行的, 受欢迎的

  -- Be popular with sb 受某人喜爱

  -- The famous actor is popular with young people.

  Fame n.名声, 名望, 传说 famous adj.著名的, 出名的

  Reputation n.声誉, 名誉, 名声

  adore v.崇拜, 爱戴(=worship vi.敬神, 拜神 vt.崇拜, 尊敬)

  -- More and more people adore the famous actress.

  alike adv.一样地

  =similarly adv.同样地, 类似于

  =equally adv.同样地, 相等地, 平等地

  =as well 也, 又, 同样

  =in the same way adv.同样地

  -- He was adored by rich and poor alike.

  -- The teacher is adored by boy and girl alike.

  Fame n.名声

  Eminent adj.著名的,杰出的

  =distinguished adj.卓越的;杰出的;超群的;出众的;著名的

  -- eminent scientist / eminent physicist(n.物理学家)

  bitterly adv.厉害地

  -- It is blowing bitterly.

  Bitter adj.苦的, 辛酸的, 刺骨的

  -- During cold winter, it is really bitter. / bitter fruit 苦果

  bet v.打赌

  bet on something 以…打赌

  -- The public bet on Tom. 公众把赌注押在汤姆的身上。

  bet somebody that 和某人打赌

  -- I bet her I would win the march.

  bet one‘s bottom dollar on… 孤注一掷在…上

  -- He bet his bottom dollar on his last attempt.

  bet on the wrong horse [口]判断或估计错误

  I bet. 我打赌, 我肯定。

  You bet. [俗]当然, 真的, 的确(=certainly)

  Academy n.专业学校

  Extravagant adj.浪费的,奢移的(wasteful adj.浪费的, 不经济的)

  -- extravagant habit

  反义词:thrifty, frugal, economical

  poverty n.贫困(in poverty 在贫困中)

  indigence n.贫乏, 穷困

  destitution n.赤贫(穷得一无所有)

  penury n.拮据, 贫穷, 穷困

  unsuccessful adj.不成功的, 失败的

  champion n.冠军, 战士

  injure vt.损害, 伤害 v.伤害

  injured adj.受伤的,受损害的

  figure n.人物, 尤其是著名人物

  glove n.手套 vt.戴手套

  draw vt., vi.(drew, drawn, drawing)拉, 拖, 绘制

  swift adj.迅速的, 敏捷的 adv.迅速地, 敏捷地

  swiftly adv.很快地, 即刻

  settled adj.确立的, 定下的, 决定的

  quarrel vi.吵架, 争论, 挑剔

  argument n.争论, 辩论

  finally adv.最後, 最终

  ring n.拳击场

  later adj.更迟的,更后的 adv.稍后,随后

  lose vi. 失败, 受损失

  debt n.债;债务

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