新概念英语3学习笔记Lesson 08

2021-06-09 16:41:00来源:网络

  新东方在线新概念小编为大家带来新概念英语3学习笔记Lesson 08一文,希望对大家的新概念英语学习有所帮助。更多精彩尽请关注新东方在线新概念英语学习网(http://nce.koolearn.com )!

  New words and expression 生词和短语

  Monastery n.寺院,修道院

  Abbot n.男修道院院长

  Convent n.女修道会, 女修道院

  Nun n.修女

  abbess n.女修道院院长

  St.?Bernard 圣伯纳德

  Pass n.关隘

  Watchdog n.看门狗

  Rashly adv.莽撞地,冒失地

  Boldly adv.大胆地, 显眼地

  Enclosure n.围场,圈地

  Monk n.和尚

  Privacy n.清静,隐居

  Skier n.滑雪者

  Ski n.滑雪橇 vi.滑雪(-- go skiing)

  Easter n.复活节

  -- at Easter 在复活节 / at Christmas 在圣诞节 / at Thanksgiving 在感恩节

  connect (v.连接, 联合, 关连)

  Switzerland (n.瑞士, 欧洲中部国家)

  Italy (n.意大利, 欧洲南部国家)

  Metre=Meter (n.米, 公尺)

  Lie, Lay, Lain, Lying (vi.位于, 躺, 平放)

  Lie, Lied, Lied, Lying(vi.说谎)

  Lay, Laid, Laid, Lying(vt.放置, 产卵)

  Europe (n.欧洲) Asia (n.亚洲)

  Tunnel (n.隧道, 地道) Attempt (vt.尝试, 企图)

  Freedom (n.自由, 自主) Wander (vi.漫步, 徘徊)

  Regular (adj.规则的, 有秩序的, 经常的)

  Party (n.团体, 一伙人)

  Peace (n. 静寂, 安宁, 和平, 和睦)

  Minus adj.负的, 减的 prep.减去 n.负数

  Minus adj.负的负的或在负值区间的

  -- a minus value 一个负值 / minus five degrees 零下五度

  Degree n.度数, 度, 程度

  Text 课文

  What are the St. Bernard dogs used for?

  The Great St. Bernard Pass connects Switzerland to Italy.

  St.=saint(n.圣人, 圣徒 adj.神圣)

  Bernard n.伯纳德(男子名)

  Pass n.关口

  把...与…连接在一起 connect…to… / join….to… / link…with…

  connect...with 把...与某事联系在一起

  -- I can‘t connect the picture with my friend, Mary.

  be?connected?with 与...有联系

  -- Are you connected with the government?

  At 2,473 metres, it is the highest mountain pass in Europe.


  -- In red, she looks much more beautiful.

  -- At the age of 25, he is able. 在十五岁的时候, 他很能干。

  -- At one point 65 metres, he is a little short.

  The famous monastery of St. Bernard, witch was founded in the eleventh century, lies about

  a mile away.

  Found(v.建立, 创立)=set up(设立, 竖立)=establish(vt.成立,建立)


  1> 非限制性定语从句只是对主句或主句中所出现的某个名词的补充、说明和解释, 去掉


  2> 限制性定语从句是主句当中不可缺少的一部分。


  -- Mr. Smith was a famous person in American history.

  -- Mr. Smith, who died on July 17th at 84, was a famous person in American history.

  -- There were very few passengers, who escaped without serious injury.(n.伤害)

  旅客很少, 他们都逃出来了, 没有受到重伤。

  -- There were very few passengers who escaped without serious injury.


  -- The taxi drivers, who knew about the traffic jam, took another road.

  所有司机都知道堵车的事, 都走了别的路。

  -- The taxi drivers who knew about the traffic jam took another road, and others who didn‘t know

  about the traffic jam still took this heavy road.

  得知堵车的司机走了别的路, 不知道堵车事件的司机仍然走这条路。

  2>指代事物在非限制性定语从句当中只能使用which, 不用that。

  -- He lent me a thousand dollars, which was exactly the sum I needed.


  -- He was left on the desert island, where he stayed for as long as three weeks.

  他被留在了荒岛上, 在那里他呆了长达三周之久。

  For hundreds of years, St. Bernard dogs have saved the lives of travellers crossing the

  dangerous Pass.

  Life(n.生命, 生活)à lives(life的复数)

  These friendly dogs, which were first brought from Asia, were used as watchdogs even in

  Roman times.


  -- The panda, which was brought from China, was used as a symbol of friendship


  Now that a tunnel ahs been built through the mountains, the Pass is less dangerous, but each

  year, the dogs are still sent out into the snow whenever a traveller is in difficulty.

  Now?that 既然

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