新概念英语第三册词汇:Lesson 25

2021-04-25 16:51:00来源:网络

  新东方在线新概念小编为大家带来新概念英语第三册词汇:Lesson 25一文,希望对大家的新概念英语学习有所帮助。更多精彩尽请关注新东方在线新概念英语学习网(http://nce.koolearn.com )!

  New words and expressions

  impressive 给人深刻印象的

  steamship 蒸汽轮船

  vessel 大木船

  era 时期,时代

  rudder 舵

  roll 颠簸,摇摆

  steer 掌握方向

  temporary 临时的

  plank 大块木板

  fit 安装

  Equator 赤道

  delay 耽误

  Notes on the text

  I have a very nice impression of Beijing.

  l dinghy救生筏(两三人)




  ├aircraft carrier航母

  └motor ship摩托艇

  ┌era时代new era

  ├information age

  ├Internet age

  └hard times艰难岁月

  Never walk in anyone’s shadow.走自己的路

  l medical students

  └medical workers医务工作者

  social student研究社会学的学生

  l eye-catching抢眼的

  ├notable ┬引人注意的

  ├noticeable ┘


  ┌steer clear of=avoid避开





  l without delay没有耽误

  └so many delays耽误许多

  ┌at Oxford用at不是in

  └at Greenwich格林威志

  l serve as被用作

  She serves as a teacher.

  This book serves as a weapon.

  The sound made by bird can serve as language.

  The picture serves as an impressive reminder of my miserable(苦难的) childhood.

  l 标志…的开始…的结束

  It marked the beginning of…and the end of…

  It marked the beginning of a new era.

  l take the lead

  ┌It seems that

  ├It seems certain that


  I will take bus home.

  Road home.回家的路

  ┌Wish you good luck.

  └a lot of bad luck

  l be struck by被击中

  ┌heavy storm雨雪都用此表大

  ├wild wind狂风

  └strong wind强风

  ┌tear away撕开

  ├tear up撕碎

  └tear off撕下来

  It became impossible to steer the ship.变得

  on board在船上

  with great difficulty=副词

  l He has danger(错误的表达)

  There is a danger that he will fail to pass the exam.

  There is a danger that if you don’t work harder you’ll fail to reach your goal.目标

  ┌call in at a port让船停在港口

  └call in a doctor叫医生

  considering + ┬名词

  考虑到 └that句子

  Considering his great age.

  Considering that he is a boy.

  l here and there到处

  ├to and from来来往往

  ┕up and down到处,来回

  ┌from side to side

  ├neck to neck并驾齐驱

  ├hand in hand手拉手

  └shoulder by shoulder肩并肩

  以上就是新东方在线新概念英语学习网为你带来的新概念英语第三册词汇:Lesson 25,更多精彩内容。敬请关注新东方在线新概念英语学习网(http://nce.koolearn.com)。



本文关键字: 新概念英语三册 新概念





