
2020-06-29 23:42:00来源:网络

   新东方在线新概念小编为大家带来新概念英语第三册课文重点精讲解析一文,希望对大家的新概念英语学习有所帮助。更多精彩尽请关注新东方在线新概念英语学习网(http://nce.koolearn.com )!

   1 更多推荐:新概念英语第三册课文重点精讲解析(汇总)

  1 Without it we could not make a living.

  Without it 是非正式条件句的作用,所以主句用could not

  make a living 谋生

  2 Sometimes were go upstream to a favourite backwater, sometimes we have our party at the boathouse, which a predecessor of ours at the farm built in the meadow hard by the deepest pool for swimming and diving.

  两个Sometimes 后面是两个并列关系的主句,它们由"逗号"连接, 这种现象较少见. 一般在逗号后加上连词"and"

  which the boathouse 引导定从

  3 We welcome the seasons by the riverside, crowning the youngest girl with flowers in the spring, holding a summer festival on Midsummer Eve, giving thanks for the harvest in the autumn, and throwing a holy wreath into the current in the winter.

  这个句中有三个分词短语组成的并列状语.它们是crowning ...giving... throwing... , 它们都是表伴随状态

  4 We are lucky in that only the lower fields, which make up a very small proportion of our farm, are effected by flooding, but other farms are less favorably sited, and flooding can sometimes spell disaster for their owners.

  这句有三个主句,其中连词 but 之前的句子和后两个是让步转折的关系,连词 and连接后两个并列关系的句子

  spell... for somebody

  5 Next came a horse, swimming bravely, ...

  Next came a horse 是倒装语序, 正常语序: a horse came next.

  6 We realized that they must have become unduly frightened by the rising flood, for their house, which had sound foundations, would have stood stoutly even if it had been almost submerged.

  用must 表示猜测, 猜测过去的事用 must have done;

  the rising 修饰 flood; 表示"不断上涨的洪水"

  for 引导原因状语从句

  sound adj. 健全的,可靠的

  submerged V 淹没

  7 One had winter we watched the river creep up the lower meadows.

  creep up 作宾语补足语,他其实是一个不带 to 不定式, 因为动词是watch ,所以省略to


  be related to... 与...相关

  hard by 紧挨着

  spell... for somebody 给...带来...

  make a living 谋生

  make up 补足,拼凑

  take turns 轮流

  floating down 顺流而下

  waded down 趟过

  in the hope of 抱着...希望

  pull ... out of 把...拖出...

  creep up 慢慢地爬上








