新概念英语二册详解:Lesson 65

2011-08-30 00:00:00来源:新东方论坛

  【Summary writing】

  What did he decide to take to a children's hospital? How did the circus owner, Jimmy Gates, dress up?

  Did he set off down the main street of the city, or did he go down a side street? Was he riding an elephant called Jumbo or not? (After having... and... riding)

  Was he told that he was holding up the traffic or not? Did Jimmy agree to go at once, or not? Did Jumbo agree to go, or did he refuse to move? How many policemen had to push him off the main street? (On being…but…so…)

  After having decided to take presents to hospital and dressed up as Father Christmas, he set off down the street riding a baby elephant called Jumbo.

  After的后面可以直接加 doing,也可以加having done

  After knocking at the door. / After having knocked at the door.

  decided 和 dressed 共用after having

  动词ing 强调时间上的同时

  On being told that he was holding up the traffic, he agreed to go at once, but Jumbo refused to move,so fifteen policemen had to push him off the main street.

  on 加在动词前面,相当与as soon as

  be 在这儿要跟done相连

  【Letter Writing】


  I really hate to complain, but …

  Some time ago, I …

  【Key structures】

  Must, Have to, Should and Ought to

  must通常只用于现在时和将来时,其他时态则用have to代替。have to比must往往更强调客观的要求或外在的原因。should和ought to都可译为"应该",表示义务、责任或某个正确的行为。ought to比should语气略强些,多用于肯定句;疑问句与否定结构则多用should。should/ought to +have +过去分词表示过去应该做(或完成)而没有做的事。

  He ought to have returned by now.

  He had to change his plans, but he should be returning soon.



本文关键字: Jumbo





