新概念英语第三册课多项选择题:Lesson 56 Our neighbour, the river

2018-06-11 12:02:29来源:网络

新东方在线新概念小编为大家带来新概念英语第三册课后练习多项选择题及答案解析一文,希望对大家的新概念英语学习有所帮助。更多精彩尽请关注新东方在线新概念英语学习网(http://nce.koolearn.com )!


  1 People whose property was less favourably situated than the writer's ______ .

  a.had no means of pumping water away from the river

  b.farmed land which for the most part lay on a level with the river banks

  c.lived where the climate was more variable and the rainfall heavier

  d.had land which lay upstream where the river current was stronger

  2 The writer's family suspected that their nearest neighbours might have trouble managing ______ .

  a.as their farm was liable to flooding and they had not lived there long

  b.because the floods had put the telephone out of order

  c.when they saw the river sweep over the boundary between the two farms

  d.as soon as they saw a dead sheep floating down the river

  3 When the writer's family saw a raft appear along the river, they ______ .

  a.thought their neighbour's house must have been submerged

  b.rowed their boats down to the bank and pulled the raft in with the oars

  c.managed to get down to the river in time to save their neighbours

  d.were surprised that their neighbours had been able to save themselves

  Structure 结构

  4 ______ is only enough to supply the needs of the house. (11. 3-4)

  a.Water of the spring

  b.The water in spring

  c.The water from the spring

  d.Spring water

  5 We have parties at the boathouse, built in the meadow ______ (11. 9-10)

  a.at the farm by a predecessor of ours

  b.for us at the farm by a predecessor

  c.by our predecessor at the farm

  d.by one of our predecessors at the farm

  6 After it ______ for a long time, the river may overflow its banks. (1. 14)

  a.is raining


  c.has rained

  d.had rained

  7 The strength of the current would prevent ______ anywhere before it…(1. 24)

  a.that it landed

  b.it from landing

  c.it to land

  d.the landing of it

  Vocabulary 词汇

  8 We ______ the seasons by the riverside…(1. 11)


  b.go out to greet

  c.celebrate the arrival of

  d.invoke the start of

  9 We were, however, ______ our nearest neighbours…(1. 19)

  a.concerned for

  b.occupied with

  c.agitated by

  d.distressed about

  10 ---- and ______ we took turns in watching that point. (1. 22)

  a.in the peak of condition

  b.in place of the most severe critic

  c.at the most dangerous boundary

  d.when the flood was at its height

  11 ---- and pull it towards our bank before the current carried it ______ … (11. 28-29)





  12 ______ we think it a miracle that they were able to do so. (11. 29-30)

  a.To this day

  b.Up till now

  c.As yet

  d.Even so









