
2015-03-27 12:04:38来源:网络


  新概念英语第二册课后习题Lesson 7


  A detectives were waiting(1.1); They were expecting(1.2);

  detectives were waiting(1.5); others were waiting(1.6);two detectives were keeping guard(11.7-8)

  B 1 When the plane arrived, some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while others were waiting on the airfield.

  2 When two of the detectives opened the parcel, two others were keeping guard at the door.

  C (sample answers)

  1 I was getting into my bath when you telephoned me.

  2 I was reading Hamlet when you saw me in the library this morning.

  3 I was saying that you must see the new film when you interruped me. D 1 was leavingKarrived 2 worked/ was workingKwas sitting/ sat3 was walkingKmet 4 was readingKheard

  5 was preparingKset/ was setting

  6 droppedKspoke


  1 He gave all his books away.

  2 She woke the children up early this morning. 4 They cut the king's head off. 5 Put your hat and coat on. 7 Help me to lift this table up.

  8 Take your shoes off and put your slippers on.

  11 They have pulled the old building down.12 Make your mind up. 14 She threw all those old newspapers away.


  1. b

  根据课文第3-4行someone had told the police that thieves would try to steal the diamond 和第8-9行While two detectives were keeping guard at the door…可以判断出b. to prevent a robbery 是正确答案,其他3个都不对。

  2. c

  根据课文最后一句话To their surprise, the precious parcel was full of stones and sand! 可以推测出c. didn’t prevent the robbery 是正确的答案。其他3个选择都不符合课文内容。

  3. c

  从回答中可以看出,此问句是对地点发问的, a. Why, b. When, d. What 都不能针对地点提问,只有c. Where 是问地点的,可以用At the airport 来回答,所以选c.

  4. d

  这一句是针对动词宾语提问的,回答是用名词短语A valuable parcel of diamonds . a. Why, b. When , C. where 这几个疑问词都不能针对动词宾语(名词)提问的,只有d. What 可以对名词提问。

  5. a

  前面句子是过去完成时(had told),表示在过去某一动作或情况发生之前完成的事情,“某人告诉警察。。。。”这一事件一定是在“飞机到达之前”发生的。 所以正确答案选a. before(在……之前)

  6. c

  a. in后面需要有一个表示地点的名词,意思才完整;

  b. into在意思上讲不通;

  d. for后面需要有一个名词做宾语,意思才完整;

  只有c. inside(在里面)意思最完整,而且与前半句的动作went into the building相符合,所以选c.

  7. d

  4个选择中只有d. took it off 最符合题目意思和语法,所以选d.

  8. a

  b. waiting 是不及物动词,后面不能直接跟名词;c. expecting for 中的expect 是及物动词,后面不能加for; d. expecting to 中expect后面不能加to; 只有a. expecting 最符合语法。

  9. c


  a. worth 可以做名词和形容词,意思是“价值”,“值得……的”,不是valuable的同义词;

  b. worthy 是形容词,意思是“有价值的”“值得的”常于of 或不定式连用,不能单独做表语,也不是valuable的同义词;

  d. value 是名词,不符合词性;

  只有c. precious 是形容词,意思是“宝贵的”,“珍贵的”,是valuable的同义词,可以做表语,所以选c

  10. b

  c. take from , d. take to 都不符合语法;a. rob 和b. steal 都有“窃取”的意思,但steal强调“偷偷地或悄悄地趁人不注意时窃取”,而rob 则强调“通过武力明目张胆地盗窃或抢劫”。Steal这一动作的执行者应该是thief(小偷),而rob的动作执行者却是robber(强盗)。因为本句的主语是the thieves,所以选b.

  11. a

  本句是要解释前一句中的 the main building(主楼),b. smallest(最小的);c. first(第一);d. greatest(最伟大的)这3个选择都不符合词义,只有a. most important(最重要的)意思与the main意思最接近,所以应该选a.

  12. b

  本句如果选a. full with, c. full by, d. full in 都有语法错误,full 只能同of 连用,表示“充满……的”,因此选b. full of.







