新概念英语第四册重点内容:The Past Life of the Earth

2024-09-27 08:10:00来源:网络

  新概念英语第四册重点内容:The Past Life of the Earth已发布,欢迎大家查看。新概念英语第四册内容主要针对的是基础比较薄弱的同学,为了方便同学们可以更好地巩固英语基础,小编还整理了新概念英语第四册课文、新概念英语第四册音频相关内容,便于同学们一起学习!

  New words and expressions 生词短语

  remains: 更多指人;body:(人和动物)都可以

  to pay the last respects to his remains 向遗体告别

  preservation n.保存

  preserved vegetable 腌菜 preserved bean curd

  She is well-preserved. 她保养得非常好。poorly/badly preserved

  set in vi. 开始

  Winter has set in early this year. Fatigue sets in when one grows old.

  scavenger n.食尸动物

  1. dustman 清道夫,清洁工 2. obscene writer

  vegetarian: 吃素的 He is a vegetable. (乏味之人) carnivorous: 吃肉的

  numerous a. 许多的(数量多)

  numeric (about number)关于数字的 numbered a. 1.编号的

  numbered card


  mouse: n.

  as poor as a church mouse

  to play cat and mouse with sb. e.g. The policeman played cat and mouse with

  the thief.

  She is a mouse. (胆小的)/He is a chicken.


  cat n.猫科动物 feline: 猫科的

  They live a cat and dog life. (水火不容)

  rain cats and dogs (北欧神话中,猫是风神,狗是雷神)

  I cat a nap only 15 minutes. cat’s paw: 牺牲品,受人利用;cat walk

  vole: 野鼠,鼹鼠

  decompose vt. 腐烂

  decay: 逐渐哀老;decompose: 分解;rot: 腐烂

  inaccessible a.不能到达的 accessible

  The book is accessible to beginners. /The goal is inaccessible.

  access n.

  Students should have access to a wide range of readings. attain:


  approach: approachable/unapproachable

  Siberia: 西伯得亚 Siberian a.

  cold currents 寒流

  warm currents 暖流

  mammoth n. 猛玛 mammoth parade 盛大游行

  palaeontological a.古生物学的 pal(a)e=old palaeoanthropology 古人类学

  ontology: 物种起源学 palaeolith 旧石器时代 neolith: 新石器时代

  palaeography 古文书,古文书学

  LeningradStalingrad: Volgograd

  pit n.坑

  A fall in the pit, a gain in the wit. (吃一堑,长一智)

  pitfall: 意外的挫折或困难 pit (casino) boss: 赌场老板

  saber: 马刀 saber-toothed

  NY(New York) LA (Los Angeles) Chicago

  venture vi. 冒险

  I venture to buy some stocks.

  Nothing Ventured, Nothing gained. (不入虎穴,焉得虎子)

  bog vt.&vi.

  joint venture 合资企业

  I’m bogged/troubled/plunged/sunk.

  Notes on the text 课文注释


  deposited=saved=piled up 堆积

  mud (from the seashore)

  the man and the like: 就他那样的人(否定意义)

  cover over: 全部覆盖

  第一段:强调句 1. 加原因状语 2. 加地点状语


  small fraction 小部分

  that die 已死的或将要死的

  feed on: 靠……为生 I feed on feed rice. (F) I feed the baby.

  live by: 通过 live by the hands 自力更生 live by the mountains

  live on=feed on

  dead or alive 连缀形容词要做后置定语

  ecological chain: 生物链 the law of the jungle, survival of the fittest

  chance=accidental 偶尔 chance meeting 邂逅 chance company 萍水相逢

  on land 陆路seldom=hardlyinnumerable=numerous

  see sb doing sth.

  fly about: 四外飞翔 go about: 转一转

  not to mention: 更不用说=let alone=not to speak of

  it is very rarely…(强调句,强调状语)

  come across=run into

  带 other,一般用单数词,any(some)other: 任何一个



  when: 时间状语(接 by falling into inaccessible caves, or into an ice


  refrigerator: refrige

  preserved: 做主语的宾语补足语in good condition: 完好状态

  tar pits: 焦油坑 collected=assembled 汇集 the carnivores: 肉食动物

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本文关键字: 新概念英语第四册





