
2023-09-18 07:11:00来源:网络


  Written exercises 书面练习

  A Read the conversation in Lesson 131 again. Then answer these



  1 Is Martin talking to Gary?

  2 Where may Gary and his wife go this year?

  3 Who wants to go to Egypt?

  4 How will they travel?

  5 Isn't it cheaper to travel by sea?

  6 Doesn't it take a long time?

  7 Why might Gary and his wife not go anywhere?

  B Answer these questions.



  Do you think she is Danish? (Swedish)

  I'm not sure. She may be Swedish.

  Do you think she was Danish? (Swedish)

  I'm not sure. She may have been Swedish.

  1 Do you think they are Canadian? (Australian)

  2 Do you think she is Finnish? (Russian)

  3 Do you think they are Japanese? (Chinese)

  4 Do you think they were butchers? (bakers)

  5 Do you think she was a dentist? (doctor)

  6 Do you think he is a sales rep? (the boss)

  7 Do you think she is seventeen? (twenty-one)

  8 Do you think they were five? (seven)

  9 Do you think he was seventy-six? (over eighty)

  10 Do you think she was fifty-five? (under fifty)

  11 Do you think it is the 17th today? (16th)

  12 Do you think it was Tuesday yesterday? (Wednesday)

  13 Do you think it is the 19th today? (20th)

  14 Do you think it is cheap? (expensive)

  15 Do you think it was easy? (difficult)

  16 Do you think she was old? (young)

  17 Do you think he was ill? (tired)

  18 Do you think they are listening to the radio? (watching television)

  19 Do you think she was retiring? (looking for a new job)

  20 Do you think they are sitting? (standing)




  1 Yes, Martin is talking to Gary.

  2 They may go abroad.

  3 Gary's wife wants to go to Egypt.

  4 They will travel by sea.

  5 Yes, it may be cheaper.

  6 Yes, it takes a long time.

  7 Because his wife worries too much.


  1 I'm not sure. They may be Australian.

  2 I'm not sure. She may be Russian.

  3 I'm not sure. They may be Chinese.

  4 I'm not sure. They may have been bakers.

  5 I'm not sure. She may have been a doctor.

  6 I'm not sure. He may be the boss.

  7 I'm not sure. She may be twenty-one.

  8 I'm not sure. They may have been seven.

  9 I'm not sure. He may have been over eighty.

  10 I'm not sure. She may have been under fifty.

  11 I'm not sure. It may be the 16th today.

  12 I'm not sure. It may have been Wednesday yesterday.

  13 I'm not sure. It may be the 20th today.

  14 I'm not sure. It may be expensive.

  15 I'm not sure. It may have been difficult.

  16 I'm not sure. She may have been young.

  17 I'm not sure. He may have been tired.

  18 I'm not sure. They may be watching television.

  19 I'm not sure. She may have been looking for a new job.

  20 I'm not sure. They may be standing.




本文关键字: 新概念英语第一册



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