
2014-04-10 10:53:00来源:新东方在线整理

  Lesson 113 Small change


  conductor n. 售票员

  fare n. 车费,车票

  change v. 兑换

  note n. 纸币

  passenger n. 乘客

  none pron. 没有任何东西

  neither adv. 也不

  get off 下车

  tramp n. 流浪汉

  except prep. 除…外

  Can you change this note?

  notebook 笔记本

  take notes 做笔记


  [none pron. 没有任何东西]

  no adj.

  not any

  I have no time.

  I don't have any time.

  I haven't any time.

  I have none.

  There is no milk in the bottle.

  There isn't any milk in the bottle.

  There is none.

  I have not friends.

  I don't have any friends.

  I have none.

  She has no money.

  She doesn't have any money.

  She has none.

  Lesson 114 I've got none

  Written exercises 书面练习 A page 232

  1 There are no books on that shelf.

  2 I have got no money.

  3 There is no Coffee in this tin.

  4 I saw no cars in the street.

  Written exercises 书面练习 B page 232

  1 No, I haven't got any milk.

  I've got no milk. I've got none.

  2 No, I haven't got any envelopes.

  I've got no envelopes. I've got none.

  3 No, I haven't got any magazines.

  I've got no magazines. I've got none.

  4 No, I haven't got any bread.

  I've got no bread. I've got none.

  Have you got any chocolate?

  I haven't got any.

  I've got no chocolate.

  I've got none.

  Have you got any envelopes?

  I haven't got any.

  I've got no envelopes.

  I've got none.

  Have you got any cake?

  I've got some.

  Have you got any biscuits?

  I've got some.

  Lesson 113 Small change


  Lucy is a student.

  So am I.

  So are they.

  So is her brother.

  I like music.

  So does my brother.

  I don't like music.

  So does my father.

  So do they.

  They went to the party yesterday.

  So did I.

  They didn't go to the party yesterday.

  They are swimming.

  So is the boy.

  Sally can speak English.

  So can I.

  They must go Home.

  So must you.

  I have some change.

  So have I.

  They have some money.

  So has the tramp.

  So have the tramps.

  She isn't a student.

  Neither is he.

  Neither are they.

  She isn't a good person.

  Neither is her husband.

  Neither are they.

  I don't like you.

  Neither does my mother.

  Neither do my grandfather and grandmother.

  I can't swim.

  Neither can my brother.

  We didn't go there yesterday.

  Neither did Sally.

  They are singing.

  So is the girl.

  You mustn't smoke here.

  Neither must they.

  I don't have any change.

  Neither do they.

  I haven't any change.

  Neither have they.






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