
2014-04-06 10:05:00来源:新东方在线整理

  Lesson 46 Can you … ?


  lift v. 拿起,搬起,举起

  cake n. 饼,蛋糕

  biscuit n. 饼干 [5biskit]

  Written exercises 书面练习 A page 92


  He is taking his book. He can take his book.

  She is putting on her coat. She can put on her coat.

  1 They are typing these letters. They can type these letters.

  2 She is making the bed. She can make the bed.

  3 You are swimming across the river. You can swim across the river.

  4 We are coming now. We can come now.

  5 We are running across the park. We can run across the park.

  6 He is sitting on the grass. He can sit on the grass.

  7 I am giving him some chocolate. I can give him some chocolate.

  Written exercises 书面练习 B page 92

  Can you put on your coat?

  Yes, I can.

  What can you do?

  I can put on my coat.

  Can you and Sam listen to the radio?

  Yes, we can.

  What can you and Sam do?

  We can listen to the radio.

  1 Can you type this letter?

  Yes, I can.

  What can you do?

  I can type this letter.

  2 Can Penny wait for the bus?

  Yes, she can.

  What can she do?

  She can wait for the bus.

  3 Can Penny and Jane wash the dishes?

  Yes, they can.

  What can they do?

  They can wash the dishes.

  4 Can George take these flowers to her?

  Yes, he can.

  What can he do?

  He can take these flowers to her.

  5 Can the cat drink its milk?

  Yes, it can.

  What can it do?

  It can drink its milk.

  6 Can you and Sam paint this bookcase?

  Yes, we can.

  What can you and Sam do?

  We can paint this bookcase.

  7 Can you see that aeroplane?

  Yes, I can.

  What can you do?

  I can see that aeroplane.

  8 Can Jane read this book?

  Yes, she can.

  What can she do?

  She can read this book.

  I can put my hat on, I can put on my hat.

  but I can't put my coat on.

  I can see that aeroplane, but I can't see a bird.

  I can paint this bookcase, but I can't paint this room.

  I can lift that chair, but I can't lift this table.

  I can read this book, but I can't read that magazine.

  I can jump off this box, but I can't jump off that wall.

  I can make cakes, but I can't make biscuits.

  I can put the vase on the table, but I can't put it on the shelf.

  Lesson 48 Do you like … ? Do you want … ?


  fresh adj. 新鲜的

  egg n. 鸡蛋

  butter n. 黄油

  pure adj. 纯净的

  honey n. 蜂蜜

  ripe adj. 成熟的

  banana n. 香蕉

  jam n. 果酱

  sweet adj. 甜的

  orange n. 橙

  Scotch whisky 苏格兰威士忌

  choice adj. 上等的,精选的

  apple n. 苹果

  wine n. 酒,果酒

  beer n. 啤酒

  blackboard n. 黑板

  Lesson 47 A cup of Coffee


  like v. 喜欢,想要

  want v. 想

  love 爱


  adore [热爱]

  care for

  cherish [珍惜]

  be fond of

  be keen on

  take to 开始喜欢






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