新概念三lesson 2课文原文

2023-06-08 07:24:00来源:网络

  其实新概念英语是比较常见的英语学习教材,但是很多刚开始学习的同学,大家对于新概念英语还是比较陌生的。而且新概念英语分为四册,对应不同的难度。那么具体的学习过程中,我们常见的问题有哪些?下面小编为大家整理了“新概念三lesson 2课文原文”,一起来看看吧!

  Lesson 2 - A puma at large

  For a moment, nobody moved in the little railway carriage. The men stared at the floor and the women at their laps. The farmer sat with his arms folded, staring at the window. They were all thinking about the same thing - the puma.

  The tawny, lithe-bodied animal had appeared first on the farmer's land one week ago. Since then, it had killed a number of sheep and a calf, and people were afraid it would attack a human being. Although several men had tried to track it down, they had not succeeded.

  Suddenly the silence was broken by the sound of children's voices. They were singing a nursery rhyme, but their voices were not quite steady. The contrast between that clear, childish sound and the fear in the carriage was rather shocking.

  The farmer got up and opened the door to the corridor. In a minute, he returned with an elderly man. The latter carried a large shotgun.

  'Maybe this will bring him down,' he said confidently.

  The sound of the train changed as they approached a deep cutting. At the same moment, the train gave a lurch; there was a loud scream from one of the women. When the train straightened again, the door of the carriage was pulled open violently and a girl of thirteen fell into the farmer's arms.

  'Do something!' she cried hysterically. 'It's killing him!'

  'What's killing him?' demanded the farmer, half holding her, half pushing her towards a seat.

  'My uncle! He's out on the hillside. It's the puma!'

  The train was now running more slowly. Suddenly there was another lurch and everyone fell against each other.

  'I can't stand it!' cried the girl in a high voice. 'Why doesn't it stop?'

  They felt the wheels of the train slipping on the rails, then suddenly the carriage tipped upwards on one side. The elderly man with the shotgun, who had been standing up to see what was happening, was thrown violently to the floor and his gun went off with a deafening roar.

  The girl screamed. There was a brief moment of silence, then the sound of the children crying. The farmer got up quickly and pulled open the door. All he could see was a mass of earth and stones sliding down the steep hillside. There were no signs of life.

  For the rest of the journey, nobody spoke. As they drew into the station, the girl got up and, followed by her family, left the train hastily. The others sat for a moment looking at each other. Then they collected their things and silently filed out of the carriage, almost as if they were ashamed. They had nothing to say. The tragedy that had occurred before their eyes had robbed them of the power of speech.

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本文关键字: 新概念三lesson 2





