
2020-06-28 23:42:00来源:网络

   新东方在线新概念小编为大家带来新概念英语第三册课文重点精讲解析一文,希望对大家的新概念英语学习有所帮助。更多精彩尽请关注新东方在线新概念英语学习网(http://nce.koolearn.com )!

   1 更多推荐:新概念英语第三册课文重点精讲解析(汇总)

  1, The Scandinavian countries are much admired all over the world for their enlightened social policies.

  admire sb. for "因为......而钦佩某人"

  延伸词组:admire to do sth. 很想做某事

  e.g. I admire to join the army.

  2, Sweden has evolved an excellent system for protecting the individual citizen from high-handed or incompetent public officers.

  evolve 进化、引申出、推论,通常与from连用

  e.g. They should evolve the truth from a mass of confused evidence. 他们要从大量庞杂的证据中推断事实。

  protect...from... 使......不受

  3, the Swedes commonly refer to him as "J.O." or "Ombudsman".

  refer to sb./ sth. as 称某人(某物)为

  refer to 还可以表示"谈到,提到;涉及,有关;查阅"之意。

  e.g. I'll refer to this point again. 我还是提到这一点的。

  e.g. The remark does not refer to you. 这句话不是指你说的。

  e.g. He refered to me for information. 他向我打听消息。

  4, The Ombudsman is not subject to political pressure.

  be suggest to 隶属的,受支配的;易受的......的,常遭......的;有待于......的,须经......的

  e.g. We are subject to the law of the land. 我们受国家法律的管辖。

  e.g. The treaty is subject to ratification. 本条约须经批准方可生效。

  5, If a citizen's complaint is justified, the Ombudsman will act on his behalf.

  justified 证明......是正当的(或有理的),为......辨认

  e.g. He justified himself for his conduct. 他为自己的行为辩护。

  act on one's behalf/ on behalf of sb. 代表,为了......的利益

  6, He may gently reprimand an official or even suggest to parliament that a law be altered.


  7, The policeman in question was severely reprimanded and was informed that if any further complaints were lodged against him, he would be prosecuted.

  In question "有关的"(concerned), in question 还可指"在考虑中,在讨论之中"

  e.g. The problem is not in question. 这个问题不在考虑之中。

  Lodge a complaint against 对......提出控诉、诉状

  8, The Ombudsman's prompt action at once put an end to an unpleasant practice which might have gone unnoticed.

  Which 为关系代词,引导定语从句,修饰practice。该从句中的might+have done (完成式结构) 表示对过去可能发生的事情的一种推测,为虚拟语气结构

  If we caught the bus at 9:00 am, we might have arrived there. 如果我们赶上了早晨9:00的车,我们也许也已经到那儿了。

  put an end to "结束,终止,消失",短语中to 为介词,因此其后需用名词或代词

  You must put an end to his foolish thought. 你们必须结束他这种愚蠢的想法。








