
2017-01-05 13:59:58来源:网络



  1.Do a double take

  Definition: look twice at someone or something because you are surprised定义:因惊讶而再看一眼

  She did a double take when he walked into the room.他走进房间时,她惊讶地又看了他一眼。

  Did you see that man do a double take as he looked at the price?你有没有看到,那个男人又惊讶地看了一眼价格?

  2.Do a number on someone

  Definition: trick someone, cheat someone, hurt someone very badly定义:捉弄、欺骗某人,深深地伤害某人

  I'm afraid she did a number on him when she broke up.我担心她会因为分手而伤害到他。

  That guy did a number on John to the tune of $500!那个家伙骗了约翰500美元!

  3.Do an about face

  Definition: turn around, return to where someone came from定义:转身,转向来的地方

  I'd like you to do an about face and go clean your room!我想你还是回去打扫下房间!

  As soon as I got to work I realized I'd have to do an about face because I'd left my briefcase at home.我一到上班的地方就想起来我得回去一趟,因为我把公文包忘在家了。

  4.Do away with something

  Definition: prohibit something, make something not available 定义:禁止某事,使其无效。

  They tried to do away with coffee in some cultures to little success.他们尝试在一些地方禁止咖啡,效果却不如人意。

  Anytime they do away with something people want it even more. 任何时候,他们越是禁止,人们反而越是贪婪。

  5.Do justice to something

  Definition: do successfully and with honor, complete in a befitting manner定义:成功完成,适当处理

  I think that painting doesn't do justice to him.我觉得那幅画不适合他。

  Alice really did justice to the presentation. 爱丽丝的陈述做得很棒。

  6.Do one's duty

  Definition: complete a responsibility, do something that is expected of you定义:尽职尽责,完成别人对你的期望。

  Remember to do your duty by honoring your parents.记住,孝敬父母是你的职责。

  I'll do my duty but nothing more.我只会做我职责范围之内的事。

  7.Do one's part

  Definition: do something that is required of you, join in doing something that requires many people定义:完成被要求做的事,加入需要多人完成的某事。

  He feels that volunteering is doing his part.他觉得志愿活动是他的责任。

  Do you part and get along and you'll have no problems here.做好你的事,保持下去,就没问题了。

  8.Do or die

  Definition: complete a task or utterly fail定义:非做不可,背水一战。

  It's do or die time now. We're getting married!现在非做不可了,我们结婚了!

  Well John, it's do or die. Let's go!好吧,约翰,背水一战的时候到了,上吧!

  9.Do someone good

  Definition: be beneficial for someone定义:对某人有好处

  I think taking the week off will do you good.我觉得休息一周对你有好处。

  She told me a massage would do me good. 她告诉我一个有利的消息。

  10.Do something over

  Definition: repeat an action often because of a poor start定义:由于不好的开头而重复某个动作

  Let's do that over! I wasn't concentrated enough!再做一次!我还不够专注!

  I'd love to do college over if I had the chance.如果有机会,我真想再上一次大学。

  11.Do someone proud

  definition: do something so well that another person is proud of you定义:因某事做得出色使得别人为你骄傲。

  David did his father proud throughout his successful life.大卫为他父亲成功地一生而感到骄傲。

  I think you'll do your family proud this year. 我认为你今年会给你们家族带来荣耀的。

  12.Do someone's heart good

  Definition: be good for someone emotionally定义:使某人高兴

  I think listening to some classical music would do your heart good.我觉得听一点古典音乐会使你感到愉悦。

  Getting straight As did her heart good.直接投其所好吧

  13.Do something by hand

  Definition: build something on one's own定义:亲自做某事

  He built his house by hand.他的房子使自己亲手建的。

  I created that desk by hand. 我亲手做的这个桌子。

  13.Do something in vain

  Definition: do something with no reason or chance at success定义:徒劳地做某事

  Peter feels his doing the job in vain.皮特觉得自己做的工作是徒劳无效的。

  Never feel you're doing something in vain. There's always a reason.不要觉得你在徒劳地做某件事。事情总是有其存在的理由的。

  14.Do something on the fly

  Definition: do something quickly without thinking定义:快速而不加思考地做某事。

  I did it on the fly, it's nothing special.我不假思索地飞快去做了,它也没什么特别的。

  Let's do it on the fly. It won't take long.快点动手干吧,不会耗费多久的。

  15.Do something on the run

  Definition: do something while on the way to somewhere else定义:在去别地时做某事。

  We did it on the run while on the way to Arizona.我们是在去亚利桑那州的途中完成这个的。

  You can do it on the run. Let's go!我们可以在途中完成的,出发吧!

  16.Do something on the sly

  Definition: do something without having other people notice定义:秘密地做某事。

  She did it on the sly. Her husband never had a clue.她偷偷地做的这件事,她丈夫绝不会有线索。

  He made lots of money by doing it on the sly.他偷偷地挣了很多钱。

  17.Do the honors

  Definition: do something like cutting a cake, or giving a speech that is an honor定义:做一些类似于切蛋糕,或做演讲之类的被视为荣誉的事。

  I'd like to let your father do the honors.我想让你的父亲执行这份荣耀。

  I'll do the honors and toast to happy and long life!我会执行这份荣耀,为快乐长寿干杯!

  18.Do the trick

  definition: complete the task, function as a solution定义:完成任务,找到解决方案。

  I think this pen will do the trick.我觉得这只钢笔很耐用。

  You'll come up with something to do the trick.你要想办法来完成这件事。

  19.Do you read me?

  Definition: question asked usually in a stern manner to ask if someone understands定义:通常是严厉地问某人是否理解自己的意思

  We'll have no more talk! Do you read me?!我们没什么好谈的,懂我的意思吗?

  That's enough. Do you read me?够了。你懂我的意思吗?



本文关键字: 新概念英语 动词do 表达



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