
2014-07-28 13:16:43来源:新东方在线整理


  课文详注 Further notes on the text

  1.fell ill, 感觉病了;look ill, 看起来有病。


  2.…so he must stay in bed for a week.……因此他必须卧床休息一周。


  for two hours each day 每天两小时

  3.That's good news for Jimmy. 对吉米来说,这可是个好消息。

  句中的news是不可数名词,不是复数形式。在英语中,有些以-s 结尾的名词可作单数使用,又如:mumps(腮腺炎),measles (麻疹)。

  4.She has a headache. 她头疼。

  根据现代英语习惯,headache前常用不定冠词a。其他ache型的复合词也多用不定冠词,如:an earache(耳疼),a toothache (牙疼),a stomach ache(胃疼)。

  5.take/have an aspirin, 服/吃一片阿司匹林。

  6.have a temperature, 发烧。

  语法 Grammar in use

  1.完全动词 have(2)

  have(和 have got)常与表示疼痛和疾病的名词连用。关于与这种名词连用的不定冠词a/an的用法可有几种情况:

  (1)必须用不定冠词,如 a cold(感冒),a headache(头疼),a sore throat(嗓子疼):

  I have a headache/cold. 我头疼/感冒了。

  (2)不定冠词可用可不用,如 catch(a)cold(患感冒),have(a)backache/stomach ache/toothache(患背痛/胃痛/牙疼等):

  I've had(a) toothache all night. 我牙疼了一整夜。

  (3)复数形式的疾病名称前面不用冠词。如 measles(麻疹),mumps(流行性腮腺炎),shingles(带状疱疹):

  Most children are in bed with mumps. 大多数孩子们都得了流行性腮腺炎,躺在床上。


  I was in bed with flu for ten days. 我因患流感,卧床10天。

  the也可以与 flu,measles和 mumps等词连用,如:

  He's got the flu/the measles/the mumps. 他得了流感/麻疹/腮腺炎。


  must是情态助动词(如can一样),它本身没有时态、性或数的变化,也不能单独作谓语动词(简短回答除外)。must表示“必要性”,即某人必须做某事。(请参见 Lessons 29~30语法部分。)

  词汇学习 Word study

  1.feel v.


  I could feel rain on my face. 她感觉到雨点打在我的脸上。

  He's feeling a little better today. 他今天感觉好点了。


  He felt his pockets and then took out a small box. 他摸摸他的口袋,然后取出一个小盒子。

  The silk feels very smooth. 丝绸摸上去很滑爽。


  I feel that he has made a mistake. 我认为他犯了一个错误。

  I feel it unnecessary to do so. 我认为这样做没必要。

  2.remember v.


  Can Mrs. Williams remember the doctor's telephone number? 威廉斯太太记得起医生的电话号码吗?

  I remember he used to dress in a blue suit. 我记得他从前常穿一套蓝色衣服。


  I tried hard to remember the long passage of Shakespeare. 我努力记住莎士比亚的大段说白。

  Remember your appointment with the dentist. 别忘了你和牙医的预约。

  练习答案 Key to written exercises

  Lesson 62


  1 He has a cold.

  2 He can't go to work.

  3 He is not well.

  4 He feels ill.

  5 He must see a doctor.

  6 He does not like doctors.


  1 What's the matter with Elizabeth?

  Does she have an earache?

  No, she doesn't have an earache.

  She has a headache.

  So she must take an aspirin.

  2 What's the matter with George?

  Does he have a headache?

  No, he doesn't have a headache.

  He has an earache.

  So he must see a doctor.

  3 What's she matter with Jim?

  Does he have a stomach ache?

  No, he doesn't have a stomach ache.

  He has a toothache.

  So he must see a dentist.

  4 What's the matter with Jane?

  Does she have a toothache?

  No, she doesn't have a toothache.

  She has a stomach ache.

  So she must take some medicine.

  5 What's the matter with Sam?

  Does he have a stomach ache?

  No, he doesn't have a stomach ache.

  He has a temperature.

  So he must go to bed.

  6 What's the matter with Dave?

  Does he have a headache?

  No, he doesn't have a headache.

  He has flu.

  So he must stay in bed.

  7 What's the matter with Jimmy?

  Does he have a headache?

  No, he doesn't have a headache.

  He has measles.

  So we must call the doctor.

  8 What's the matter with Susan?

  Does she have an earache?

  No, she doesn't have an earache.

  She has mumps.

  So we must call the doctor.





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