
2014-07-18 16:00:21来源:新东方在线 李延隆


  在三册41课中我曾讲解了几个常见的英文比喻,其实这类比喻很多,现把一些常用的贴在下面,供大家使用时参考。注意很多与中文的表达有出入,如中文说"勇猛如虎"英文地道表达却是"as brave as a lion",这是值得大家注意的。

  As agile as a monkey

  As bald as a baby's backside

  As bald as a coot

  As big as a bus

  As big as an elephant

  As black as a sweep

  As black as coal

  As black as one is painted

  As black as pitch

  As blind as a bat

  As blind as a mole

  As bold as brass

  As brave as a lion

  As bright as a button

  As bright as a new pin

  As busy as a beaver

  As busy as a bee

  As busy as a cat on a hot tin roof

  As calm as a millpond

  As clear as a bell

  As clean as a hound's tooth

  As clean as a whistle

  As clear as crystal

  As clear as mud

  As cold as ice

  As common as dirt

  As cool as a cucumber

  As crazy as a loon

  As cunning as a fox

  As cute as a button

  As cute as a cup cake

  As dead as a doornail

  As dead as the dodo

  As deaf as a post

  As delicate as a flower

  As dense as a brick

  As different as chalk from cheese

  As drunk as a lord

  As dry as a bone

  As dry as dust

  As dull as dishwater

  As easy as A.B.C.

  As easy as pie

  As fat as a pig

  As fit as a fiddle

  As flat as a pancake

  As free as a bird

  As fresh as a daisy

  As gentle as a lamb As good as gold

  As happy as a clown

  As happy as a lark

  As happy as Larry

  As hard as nails

  As high as a kite

  As hoarse as a crow

  As hot as hell

  As hungry as a bear

  As hungry as a wolf

  As innocent as a lamb

  As keen as mustard

  As large as life

  As light as a feather

  As light as air

  As likely as not

  As lowly as a worm

  As mad as a hatter

  As mad as a hornet

  As mad as the march hare

  As merry as a cricket

  As modest as a maiden

  As much use as a yard of pump water







